I have a plotly graph with several annotations with an extra UUID parameter. I also have a list of these annotations and what I want is that the annotation I select on the list changes its border color. The function I'm using to change the border color is the following:

const annotations = [
const selectAnnotation = (id)=> {
        const dummyAnnotations = clone(annotations)
        dummyAnnotations.forEach((note) => {
          if (note.id===id){
            note.bordercolor = 'red'
          } else {
            note.bordercolor = 'white'


     <li key={note.id}>
              onClick = {()=>selectAnnotation(note.id)}

However, when I click an annotation on the list, the corresponding one on the graph disappears, only to appear again when I change the graph size manually. Here are some screenshots:

Plot before selecting any note

Plot before selecting any note

Plot after selecting one-note

Plot after selecting one note

Plot after resizing the window, now the note is back and with new border color

Plot after resizing the window, now the note is back and with new border color

Any ideas about what's going on? Thanks!


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