I have a plotly graph with several annotations with an extra UUID parameter. I also have a list of these annotations and what I want is that the annotation I select on the list changes its border color. The function I'm using to change the border color is the following:
const annotations = [
const selectAnnotation = (id)=> {
const dummyAnnotations = clone(annotations)
dummyAnnotations.forEach((note) => {
if (note.id===id){
note.bordercolor = 'red'
} else {
note.bordercolor = 'white'
<li key={note.id}>
onClick = {()=>selectAnnotation(note.id)}
However, when I click an annotation on the list, the corresponding one on the graph disappears, only to appear again when I change the graph size manually. Here are some screenshots:
Plot before selecting any note
Plot after selecting one-note
Plot after resizing the window, now the note is back and with new border color
Any ideas about what's going on? Thanks!