我有一个有效的设计来验证 Nginx/njs 中的 API 密钥。让我向您展示我的最终解决方案,然后问几个与我在此过程中遇到的问题相关的问题(我很想了解为什么这些其他选项不起作用)。

这是我的 nginx.conf:

js_include validate-api-keys.js;

server {
    # We try to always use port 9000 (by convention) for our application entrypoints.
    listen       9000;
    server_name  localhost;

    location = /health {
        # Always pass the health check to the reverse-proxied server
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;

    location / {
        # Validate that the api-key header matches the API_KEY_CURRENT or API_KEY_PREVIOUS env var
        js_content validate_api_key;
        # Q1: the following commented config didn't work (why was it ALWAYS doing the proxy_pass?):
        # My goal was: if the above js code didn't already return a 401 response, pass the request to the reversed proxied app
        # proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;

    # This location is internal (only nginx itself can call this location)
    location @app-backend {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;

# Removed this, the subrequest in the JS didn't work:
#     location /internalProxyPassToBackend {
#         internal;
#         proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;
#     }

    #error_page  404              /404.html;

    # redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html
    error_page   500 502 503 504  /50x.html;
    location = /50x.html {
        root   /usr/share/nginx/html;

这是我的 validate-api-keys.js(请忽略“UNCOMMENT TO DEBUG”注释,这只是一个调试技巧:我监视返回的响应标头以查看代码的去向、值是什么等):

function validate_api_key(r) {
    // UNCOMMENT TO DEBUG: r.headersOut['validate_api_key-start'] = 'Log at START of validate_api_key'
    var requestApiKey = r.headersIn["api-key"];
    // UNCOMMENT TO DEBUG:  r.headersOut['validate_api_key-input-key'] = 'validate_api_key received tpg-api-key header=' + requestApiKey

    // Validating API KEY
    if (requestApiKey !== "<API_KEY_CURRENT>" && requestApiKey !== "<API_KEY_PREVIOUS>") {
        // Return 401 Unauthorized (Access Denied) if key is invalid (doesn't match CURRENT and PREVIOUS key)
        // UNCOMMENT TO DEBUG: r.headersOut['validate_api_key-401'] = 'validate_api_key returning 401'
        r.return(401, "Access Denied");
    } else {
        // Send the request to the backend (proxy_pass)
        // UNCOMMENT TO DEBUG: r.headersOut['validate_api_key-200'] = 'validate_api_key returning 200'
        // This didn't work (didn't pass the Method.POST):
        // r.subrequest('/internalProxyPassToBackend', r.variables)
        //     .then(reply => r.return(reply.status, reply.responseBody));

        // This didn't work (didn't pass the Method.POST):
        //r.subrequest('/internalProxyPassToBackend', r.variables,
        //         function(reply) {
        //             r.return(reply.status, reply.responseBody);
        //             return;
        //         }
        //     );
    // UNCOMMENT TO DEBUG: r.headersOut['validate_api_key-end'] = 'Log at END of validate_api_key'

Q1:在我的 nginx.conf 中,当我的 js_content 和 proxy_pass 在同一个位置上下文中时,proxy_pass 也会触发,无论我的 javascript(在 js_content 中)是否尝试返回 401。它总是会执行 proxy_pass!这是为什么?我觉得这与“IF在位置块中是邪恶的”具有相同的想法/根本原因?

Q2:如您所见,在我的 JavaScript 中,我终于求助于 r.internalRedirect (效果很好!)但我首先撞到了一堆墙上:我注释掉的代码有什么问题?为什么“r.subrequest”不通过方法(在我的情况下是 POST)?我的后端总是抱怨它不支持“GET”,因为很明显,我的代码没有传递 Method=POST。有谁知道如何使注释掉的代码工作(将初始请求、方法等的所有参数传递给后端)?



1 回答 1


在 nginx 配置中你需要指定代理方法

 location /internalProxyPassToBackend {
         proxy_method      POST;             
         proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;
于 2021-11-26T14:30:15.493 回答