我们有最终用户可以管理内容的动态文本区域。该应用程序本身是一个 Angular 9,grapesJS(版本:0.17.27),以允许用户管理内容并用 CKEditor4 替换默认的grapesJS富文本编辑器,并通过grapesjs-plugin-ckeditor(版本:0.0.10)启用它)。

我们面临一个问题,我们似乎无法将工具栏固定/停靠在有意义的位置,因此它不会为用户反弹。如果您查看图片并看到 grapesJS 框架,我可以抓取 iFrame,我可以在我们创建它时抓取底部块)连同 sharedSpaces 顶部和底部,请参阅下面的代码以获取完整的编辑器工具栏实现设置

当我使用这些 id 时,底部块在技术上位于画布之外,因此 CKEditor 中的任何功能都不会真正起作用,因为每次单击它时,如果我使用默认定位,则文本会被取消选择,即删除sharedSpaces 和 toolbarLocation然后一切正常,但它显示的位置没有一致性,即文本上方或下方,有时它会在您按 Enter 并继续扩展文本块时反弹到不同的位置。


GrapesJS 编辑器代码:

//remove unneeded buttons
            let removeTbActions = [
                , 'Save'
                , 'NewPage'
                , 'ExportPdf'
                , 'Preview'
                , 'Print'
                , 'Templates'
                , 'Find'
                , 'Replace'
                , 'Scayt'
                , 'Form'
                , 'Checkbox'
                , 'Radio'
                , 'TextField'
                , 'Textarea'
                , 'Select'
                , 'Button'
                , 'ImageButton'
                , 'HiddenField'
                , 'Strike'
                , 'Subscript'
                , 'Superscript'
                , 'CreateDiv'
                , 'BidiLtr'
                , 'BidiRtl'
                , 'Language'
                , 'Image'
                , 'Flash'
                , 'Table'
                , 'HorizontalRule'
                , 'Smiley'
                , 'SpecialChar'
                , 'PageBreak'
                , 'Iframe'
                , 'Maximize'
                , 'ShowBlocks'
                , 'SelectAll'
                , 'PasteFromWord'
                , 'PasteText'
                , 'Anchor'
                , 'Blockquote'
                , 'JustifyBlock'
                , 'Format'
                , 'CopyFormatting'
                , 'Font'
                , 'FontSize'

            this.grapesJsEditor = grapesjs.init({
                container: '#gjs',
                fromElement: true,
                style: style,
                height: '600px',
                width: 'auto',
                storageManager: false,
                plugins: ['gjs-plugin-ckeditor'],
                pluginsOpts: {
                    'gjs-plugin-ckeditor': {
                        options: {
                            sharedSpaces: {
                                top: 'gjs',
                                bottom: 'blocks'
                            toolbarLocation: 'top',
                            toolbarGroups: [
                                { name: 'document', groups: ['mode', 'document', 'doctools'] },
                                { name: 'basicstyles', groups: ['basicstyles', 'cleanup'] },
                                { name: 'clipboard', groups: ['clipboard', 'undo'] },
                                { name: 'editing', groups: ['find', 'selection', 'spellchecker', 'editing'] },
                                { name: 'forms', groups: ['forms'] },
                                { name: 'paragraph', groups: ['list', 'indent', 'blocks', 'align', 'bidi', 'paragraph'] },
                                { name: 'links', groups: ['links'] },
                                /* { name: 'insert', groups: ['insert'] },*/
                                { name: 'colors', groups: ['colors'] },
                                { name: 'styles', groups: ['styles'] },
                                { name: 'tools', groups: ['tools'] },
                                { name: 'others', groups: ['others'] },
                                { name: 'about', groups: ['about'] }
                            extraPlugins: 'colorbutton, colordialog, indent, indentblock, justify, list, listblock, liststyle, sharedspace',
                            // Remove some buttons provided by the standard plugins, which are
                            // not needed in the Standard(s) toolbar.
                            removeButtons: removeTbActions,
                            //remove unneeded Plugins
                            removePlugins: 'resize',
                            //make toolbar not resizable
                            resize_enabled: 'false',
                            extraAllowedContent: '*(*);*{*}',
                            allowedContent: true,
                            width: '100%'
                panels: {
                    defaults: [{
                        id: 'layers',
                        el: '.panel__right',
                        resizable: false
                        id: 'panel-switcher',
                        el: '.panel__switcher',
                        buttons: [{
                            id: 'show-style',
                            active: true,
                            label: '<span class="fa fa-paint-brush" title="Styles"></span>',
                            command: 'show-styles',
                            togglable: false,
                            id: 'show-traits',
                            active: false,
                            label: '<span class="fa fa-cog" title="Properties"></span>',
                            command: 'show-traits',
                            togglable: false,
                blockManager: {
                    appendTo: '#blocks',
                    blocks: blocksToAdd
                selectorManager: {
                    appendTo: '.styles-container'
                styleManager: {
                    appendTo: '.styles-container',
                    sectors: [{
                        name: 'Typography',
                        open: true,
                        buildProps: ['font-family', 'font-size', 'font-weight', 'color', 'text-align', 'text-decoration', 'font-style'],
                        properties: [
                            { name: 'Font', property: 'font-family' },
                            { name: 'Weight', property: 'font-weight' },
                            { name: 'Font color', property: 'color' },
                                property: 'text-align',
                                type: 'radio',
                                defaults: 'left',
                                list: [
                                    { value: 'left', name: 'Left', className: 'fa fa-align-left' },
                                    { value: 'center', name: 'Center', className: 'fa fa-align-center' },
                                    { value: 'right', name: 'Right', className: 'fa fa-align-right' },
                                    { value: 'justify', name: 'Justify', className: 'fa fa-align-justify' }
                            }, {
                                property: 'text-decoration',
                                type: 'radio',
                                defaults: 'none',
                                list: [
                                    { value: 'none', name: 'None', className: 'fa fa-times' },
                                    { value: 'underline', name: 'underline', className: 'fa fa-underline' },
                                    { value: 'line-through', name: 'Line-through', className: 'fa fa-strikethrough' }
                            }, {
                                property: 'font-style',
                                type: 'radio',
                                defaults: 'normal',
                                list: [
                                    { value: 'normal', name: 'Normal', className: 'fa fa-font' },
                                    { value: 'italic', name: 'Italic', className: 'fa fa-italic' }
                traitManager: {
                    appendTo: '.traits-container'

我还包括了我使用默认定位和 IFrame 本身时的图片。显示此文本的默认工具栏位置的 IFrame 的一部分

显示底部部分/文本/图像选择器的 IFrame 的全图 - 上面我的 sharedSpaces 中的块 id


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