我希望参与 Exchange Web 服务。Office 365 是执行此操作的好地方吗?我没有时间和基础设施在办公室安装 Exchange 来测试所有内容。那么office 365是一个很好的测试平台吗?里科
2318 次
1 回答
You can use Office 365 to test the WebService. It's very easy to use once it is set up and you get a 30 day test account.
Limitation: To get AutoDiscover to work, you either need to fiddle around with your DNS settings, or follow Glens advice on this page: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en/exchangesvrdevelopment/thread/03e5e902-1de1-43b9-a86d-13e3d826c920
于 2011-08-09T21:07:36.130 回答