I have a Python enum:

class E(Enum):
  A = 1
  B = 2

It is part of a public interface, people pass E.A or E.B to various functions to specify some parameter. I want to augment this enum to add a third value, C, but this value only makes sense if you also pass a couple of additional parameters, x and y. So in addition to allowing my users to pass E.A or E.B, I want them to be able to pass e.g. E.C(x=17,y=42), and have my code access the values of these parameters (here, 17 and 42).

What's the most "pythonic" way of achieving this? I'm using Python 3.7.


1 回答 1


没有 Pythonic 方法可以实现这一点,因为您正试图以Enum不同于预期的方式使用。让我解释:


class Food(Enum):
    APPLE = 1
    BANANA = 2
    CARROT = 3


例如,如果用func1调用和调用,那么当重新获得控制权时,它会看到和。func2Food.CARROT(17, 19)func2func3Food.CARROT(99, 101)func1Food.CARROT.x == 99Food.CARROT.y == 101


于 2021-11-08T22:00:22.083 回答