我使用 tempus dominus 来设置 datetimepicker。在本地,选项“keepInvalid:false”可以正常工作,但在服务器上,它不起作用。我检查了 datetimepicker 的列表选项:
allowInputToggle: false
allowMultidate: false
autoclose: true
buttons: {showToday: false, showClear: false, showClose: false}
calendarWeeks: false
collapse: true
dayViewHeaderFormat: "YYYY年 MMM"
daysOfWeekDisabled: false
debug: false
defaultDate: false
disabledDates: false
disabledHours: false
disabledTimeIntervals: false
enabledDates: false
enabledHours: false
extraFormats: false
focusOnShow: true
format: "YYYY/MM/DD"
icons: {time: 'fa fa-clock-o', date: 'fa fa-calendar', up: 'fa fa-arrow-up', down: 'fa fa-arrow-down', previous: 'fa fa-chevron-left', …}
ignoreReadonly: false
inline: false
keepInvalid: false
keepOpen: false
keyBinds: {up: ƒ, down: ƒ, control up: ƒ, control down: ƒ, left: ƒ, …}
keyboardNavigation: false
locale: "ja"
maxDate: false
minDate: false
multidateSeparator: ","
sideBySide: false
stepping: 1
timeZone: ""
toolbarPlacement: "default"
tooltips: {today: 'Go to today', clear: 'Clear selection', close: 'Close the picker', selectMonth: 'Select Month', prevMonth: 'Previous Month', …}
useCurrent: false
useStrict: false
viewDate: false
viewMode: "days"
widgetParent: null
widgetPositioning: {horizontal: 'auto', vertical: 'auto'}