我正在将内部客户端-服务器应用程序重写为 .NET MVC 应用程序。它需要通过安全的 FTP 发送和接收文件。最初的应用程序是客户端-服务器,并使用 MOVEit Freely 进行 SFTP。有没有我可以在 .NET 中使用的库或产品?


8 回答 8



于 2009-03-30T20:02:04.360 回答


于 2009-03-30T20:03:38.893 回答


于 2009-03-31T15:25:48.600 回答

我们的Rebex 文件传输包支持安全 FTP 的两种变体 - SFTP 和 FTPS (FTP/SSL)。

于 2009-05-28T07:32:17.113 回答

If you don't want to pay anything, you can easily use the built-in FtpWebRequest for vanilla FTP and FTPES (explicit FTP with SSL). For FTPS (implicit FTP+SSL), I recommend Alex FTPS Client. And finally, for SFTP (FTP over SSH), you can use SharpSSH. This method isn't for everyone - it's really just for the cheap skate. But, I've been using this combo for all my data transfer needs in a production environment and it works great. The products are stale, but the protocols are stable, so who cares.

于 2010-10-18T20:37:48.987 回答

看看edtFTPnet/PRO,它为 .NET 中的 SFTP 提供了全面支持。

您可能还想看看CompleteFTP,它是一个用于 Windows 平台的快速、紧凑的 SFTP 服务器(它还支持 FTP 和 FTPS)。

我可能会补充说,使用术语“安全 FTP”可能会让人感到困惑。它可能意味着 SFTP,它是一种通过 SSH 运行的安全文件传输协议。或者它可能意味着 FTPS,它基本上是通过 SSL 连接运行的标准 FTP 命令。

于 2009-05-27T10:36:37.537 回答

这是 .NET 中的本机。您想要的类位于 System.Net 命名空间中。看看 FtpWebRequest 和 FtpWebResponse 类。快乐编码:)

于 2009-03-30T20:03:50.470 回答

I was involved in creating MOVEit Freely. It never had support for SFTP over SSH - it only had support for FTP/S. Its original role was to be a "drop-in" command-for-command replacement of Microsoft's FTP.exe client - with extra support for SSL/TLS.

MOVEit Freely was originally built on top of a Dundas FTP/S stack, but we heavily modifed the original source code as FTP/S evolved. (We got in a bit early.) These days Dundas is focused on Dashboard components and the license agreement we signed with Dundas said that we'd never publish a standalone FTP/S component based on their code. (That's standard for that kind of OEM license.) In other words, I'd check out one of the Windows-based recommendations above. (I recommend components from \n software, and also like the Rebex offering on Windows.)

于 2011-06-21T02:55:52.093 回答