我对 Pgp 很陌生,欢迎任何帮助。
我对 Pgp 很陌生,欢迎任何帮助。
我知道这个问题已经有好几年了,但它在 Google 中仍然是使用 Bouncy Castle 进行与 PGP 解密相关的搜索的第一或第二。由于似乎很难找到一个完整、简洁的示例,因此我想在这里分享我的工作解决方案来解密 PGP 文件。这只是其源文件中包含的 Bouncy Castle 示例的修改版本。
using System;
using System.IO;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Bcpg.OpenPgp;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.IO;
namespace PGPDecrypt
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
private static void DecryptFile(
string inputFileName,
string keyFileName,
char[] passwd,
string defaultFileName)
using (Stream input = File.OpenRead(inputFileName),
keyIn = File.OpenRead(keyFileName))
DecryptFile(input, keyIn, passwd, defaultFileName);
private static void DecryptFile(
Stream inputStream,
Stream keyIn,
char[] passwd,
string defaultFileName)
inputStream = PgpUtilities.GetDecoderStream(inputStream);
PgpObjectFactory pgpF = new PgpObjectFactory(inputStream);
PgpEncryptedDataList enc;
PgpObject o = pgpF.NextPgpObject();
// the first object might be a PGP marker packet.
if (o is PgpEncryptedDataList)
enc = (PgpEncryptedDataList)o;
enc = (PgpEncryptedDataList)pgpF.NextPgpObject();
// find the secret key
PgpPrivateKey sKey = null;
PgpPublicKeyEncryptedData pbe = null;
PgpSecretKeyRingBundle pgpSec = new PgpSecretKeyRingBundle(
foreach (PgpPublicKeyEncryptedData pked in enc.GetEncryptedDataObjects())
sKey = FindSecretKey(pgpSec, pked.KeyId, passwd);
if (sKey != null)
pbe = pked;
if (sKey == null)
throw new ArgumentException("secret key for message not found.");
Stream clear = pbe.GetDataStream(sKey);
PgpObjectFactory plainFact = new PgpObjectFactory(clear);
PgpObject message = plainFact.NextPgpObject();
if (message is PgpCompressedData)
PgpCompressedData cData = (PgpCompressedData)message;
PgpObjectFactory pgpFact = new PgpObjectFactory(cData.GetDataStream());
message = pgpFact.NextPgpObject();
if (message is PgpLiteralData)
PgpLiteralData ld = (PgpLiteralData)message;
string outFileName = ld.FileName;
if (outFileName.Length == 0)
outFileName = defaultFileName;
Stream fOut = File.Create(outFileName);
Stream unc = ld.GetInputStream();
Streams.PipeAll(unc, fOut);
else if (message is PgpOnePassSignatureList)
throw new PgpException("encrypted message contains a signed message - not literal data.");
throw new PgpException("message is not a simple encrypted file - type unknown.");
if (pbe.IsIntegrityProtected())
if (!pbe.Verify())
Console.Error.WriteLine("message failed integrity check");
Console.Error.WriteLine("message integrity check passed");
Console.Error.WriteLine("no message integrity check");
catch (PgpException e)
Exception underlyingException = e.InnerException;
if (underlyingException != null)
private static PgpPrivateKey FindSecretKey(PgpSecretKeyRingBundle pgpSec, long keyID, char[] pass)
PgpSecretKey pgpSecKey = pgpSec.GetSecretKey(keyID);
if (pgpSecKey == null)
return null;
return pgpSecKey.ExtractPrivateKey(pass);
Bouncycastle PGP 解密期间的 PartialInputStream
此外,zip 包含此处的示例:
现在,在 2021 年,Nikhil 的答案可能是最好的,因为它抽象出了直接使用 BouncyCastle 的需求。去给他点个赞吧。
如果您出于某种原因想直接使用 BouncyCastle,我有 Dan 的答案的现代实现,以及他正在使用的示例,它直接在 NET5 中使用 BouncyCastle。看一看:
using Org.BouncyCastle.Bcpg;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Bcpg.OpenPgp;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Security;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.IO;
安装的是 Nuget Package Portable.BouncyCastle 1.8.10。
public class EncryptionService
public static void EncryptPGPFile(FileInfo inFile, FileInfo keyFile, FileInfo outFile, bool withIntegrityCheck = false, bool withArmor = false)
PgpPublicKeyRingBundle keyRing = null;
using (var keyStream = keyFile.OpenRead())
keyRing = new PgpPublicKeyRingBundle(PgpUtilities.GetDecoderStream(keyStream));
var publicKey = keyRing.GetKeyRings()
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsEncryptionKey);
using var outFileStream = outFile.Open(FileMode.Create);
using var armoredStream = new ArmoredOutputStream(outFileStream);
Stream outStream = withArmor ? armoredStream : outFileStream;
byte[] compressedBytes;
var compressor = new PgpCompressedDataGenerator(CompressionAlgorithmTag.Zip);
using (var byteStream = new MemoryStream())
// Annoyingly, this is necessary. The compressorStream needs to be closed before the byteStream is read from, otherwise
// data will be left in the buffer and not written to the byteStream. It would be nice if compressorStream exposed a "Flush"
// method. - AJS
using (var compressorStream = compressor.Open(byteStream))
PgpUtilities.WriteFileToLiteralData(compressorStream, PgpLiteralData.Binary, inFile);
compressedBytes = byteStream.ToArray();
var encrypter = new PgpEncryptedDataGenerator(SymmetricKeyAlgorithmTag.Cast5, withIntegrityCheck, new SecureRandom());
using var finalOutputStream = encrypter.Open(outStream, compressedBytes.Length);
finalOutputStream.Write(compressedBytes, 0, compressedBytes.Length);
public static void DecryptPGPFile(FileInfo inFile, FileInfo keyFile, string password, FileInfo outFile)
using var inputFile = inFile.OpenRead();
using var input = PgpUtilities.GetDecoderStream(inputFile);
var pgpFactory = new PgpObjectFactory(input);
var firstObject = pgpFactory.NextPgpObject();
if (firstObject is not PgpEncryptedDataList)
firstObject = pgpFactory.NextPgpObject();
PgpPrivateKey keyToUse = null;
PgpSecretKeyRingBundle keyRing = null;
using (var keyStream = keyFile.OpenRead())
keyRing = new PgpSecretKeyRingBundle(PgpUtilities.GetDecoderStream(keyStream));
var encryptedData = ((PgpEncryptedDataList)firstObject).GetEncryptedDataObjects()
.FirstOrDefault(x =>
var key = keyRing.GetSecretKey(x.KeyId);
if (key != null)
keyToUse = key.ExtractPrivateKey(password.ToCharArray());
return true;
return false;
if (keyToUse == null)
throw new PgpException("Cannot find secret key for message.");
Stream clearText = encryptedData.GetDataStream(keyToUse);
PgpObject message = new PgpObjectFactory(clearText).NextPgpObject();
if (message is PgpCompressedData data)
message = new PgpObjectFactory(inputStream: data.GetDataStream()).NextPgpObject();
if (message is PgpLiteralData literalData)
using var outputFileStream = outFile.Open(FileMode.Create);
Streams.PipeAll(literalData.GetInputStream(), outputFileStream);
throw new PgpException("message is not encoded correctly.");
if (encryptedData.IsIntegrityProtected() && !encryptedData.Verify())
throw new Exception("message failed integrity check!");