我的节点版本是:v16.1.0 我的 npm 版本:8.1.3
我目前正在我的 M1 MacBook 上运行 Monterey OS。
khalidn@Khalids-MacBook-Air Next % npx create-nx-workspace --preset=next
✔ Workspace name (e.g., org name) · km
✔ Application name · site
✔ Default stylesheet format · css
✔ Use Nx Cloud? (It's free and doesn't require registration.) · No
> NX Nx is creating your workspace.
To make sure the command works reliably in all environments, and that the preset is applied correctly,
Nx will run "npm install" several times. Please wait.
✖ Installing dependencies with npm
> NX ERROR Nx failed to install dependencies
Exit code: 1
Log file: /var/folders/vk/k0pds4vn1cb7wf1jvbhdj79w0000gn/T/tmp-46552-0zjGtpc1VjRl/error.log