

  1. 用户进入网页浏览产品
  2. 用户选择产品
  3. 所选产品由谷歌分析跟踪(向谷歌服务器发出请求)
  4. 用户是否到订单页面购买产品

在我的用户流程图中显示第 3 步的正确方法是什么?





1 回答 1


A data-flow diagram differs from ordinary flow-charts: instead of arrows showing the control flow (sequence of actions and decisions), the arrow should correspond to data moving from one function to the other. On each arrow you should be able to write the data that is transmitted.

If a product is tracked with analytics, the arrow to Google tracking would probably be a product. The question then is:

  • does Google tracking return something to selects product? In this case an arrow in the opposite direction is missing (for the response).
  • Or will another function get data from Google tracking to exploit the tracking? This function would be missing.
  • or is Google tracking considered to be some data store that would be read elsewhere.

Unrelated to your question

Does the selects product get the product selected from the web page ? Or is this something that receives data from the user? Or is it in fact a part of your webpage?

On the symbols, the main DFD notations use circles instead of boxes, or rounded rectangles. The diamond and the circle here look like flow-chart diagram symbols and are confusing.

于 2021-11-27T17:14:24.403 回答