我的代码创建了一个 1 列 2 行的表。
然后,我的代码操作现有的行。我的目标是选择这两行并在 Word 中执行与这些手动命令等效的操作:Home -> Paragraph -> Line and Page breaks -> Keep Lines Together
问题是不Paragraphs p = wordApp.Selection.Paragraphs;
我需要获取和操作什么 Word Interop 对象才能将保持线一起应用于我的选择?
currentRow = imagesTable.Rows.First;
Cell ulCell = currentRow.Cells[1];
// Code to load cell with text
currentRow = currentRow.Next;
// Insert image
currentRow.Height = wordApp.InchesToPoints(5.5F);
InlineShape inlineShape = wordApp.Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture(imageAttachment.P_AttachmentFqfn);
inlineShape.LockAspectRatio = Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoTrue;
inlineShape.Height = wordApp.InchesToPoints(3F);
Cell lrCell = currentRow.Cells[1];
document.Range(ulCell.Range.Start, lrCell.Range.End).Select();
Paragraphs p = wordApp.Selection.Paragraphs;
p.KeepTogether = 1;
p.KeepWithNext = 1;