我在下面有这个在可接受的时间内运行的查询,但是有人质疑它是否可以通过消除聚合扫描来改进(将“prv”和“nxt”“with 子句”扫描合并为一个),但是我无法找到实际操作它....
With mtype as (
SELECT c.old_type, c.old_type_id, a.magazine_id, a.publ_date
FROM news.magazines a,
news.categories c
WHERE a.category_id = c.category_id
AND a.magazine_id = v_magazine_id
AND a.status_id = 6
AND a.pull_flag = 'Y')
,nxt as (
SELECT m.magazine_id original_id,
MAX(a.magazine_id) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY a.publ_date) AS next_magazine_id,
MAX(a.old_magazine_id) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY a.publ_date) AS next_old_magazine_id,
MAX(a.subject) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY a.publ_date) AS next_subject,
MAX(DECODE(i.active_flag,'N',NULL,i.image_name) ) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY a.publ_date) AS next_image_name,
MAX(DECODE(i.active_flag,'N',NULL,i.meta_image) ) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY a.publ_date) AS next_meta_image
FROM news.magazines a,
news.magazine_images i,
news.categories c,
mtype m
WHERE a.magazine_id = i.magazine_id(+)
AND a.category_id = c.category_id
AND c.old_type_id = m.old_type_id
AND c.old_type = m.old_type
AND a.old_magazine_id IS NOT NULL
AND a.publ_date > m.publ_date
group by m.magazine_id)
,prv as
SELECT m.magazine_id original_id,
MAX(a.magazine_id) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY a.publ_date DESC) AS prev_magazine_id,
MAX(a.old_magazine_id) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY a.publ_date DESC) AS prev_old_magazine_id,
MAX(a.subject) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY a.publ_date DESC) AS prev_subject,
MAX(DECODE(i.active_flag,'N',NULL,i.image_name) ) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY a.publ_date DESC) AS prev_image_name,
MAX(DECODE(i.active_flag,'N',NULL,i.meta_image) ) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY a.publ_date DESC) AS prev_meta_image
FROM news.magazines a,
news.magazine_images i,
news.categories c,
mtype m
WHERE a.magazine_id = i.magazine_id(+)
AND a.category_id = c.category_id
AND c.old_type_id = m.old_type_id
AND c.old_type = m.old_type
AND a.old_magazine_id IS NOT NULL
AND a.publ_date < m.publ_date
group by m.magazine_id)
SELECT a.magazine_id, prev_magazine_id, next_magazine_id, a.category_id, c.automated_category, c.old_type_id,
TO_CHAR(a.publ_date,'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') publ_date,
TO_CHAR(a.created_on,'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') created_on,
s.status_id, s.status_text, c.follow_ind, v.channel_id, v.media_id, c.category_name,
WHEN c.old_type = 'B' THEN a.author_blog_id
WHEN c.old_type = 'C' THEN a.author_comm_id
ELSE a.author_id
END AS author_id, a.author_name, a.image_file_name,
a.author_id owner_id, a.display_author, c.dc_page_id,
TO_CHAR(a.ex_publ_date,'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') ex_publ_date,
a.old_magazine_id, prev_old_magazine_id, next_old_magazine_id,
DECODE(i.active_flag,'N',NULL,i.image_name) image_name, prev_image_name, next_image_name,
subject, prev_subject, next_subject, a.media_items, i.meta_image, prev_meta_image, next_meta_image,
d.image_name AS copyright_image_name, DECODE(UPPER(d.copyright),'OTHER',image_source,d.copyright) copyright,
d.date_uploaded AS copyright_date_uploaded, d.user_name AS copyright_user_name, d.image_source,
a.seo_keywords, a.seo_title_tag, a.seo_description, a.url_body_id, a.teaser_message,
(SELECT first_name || ' ' || last_name FROM news.users WHERE user_id = a.orig_author_id) orig_author_name,
(SELECT count(*) FROM news.user_comments u WHERE u.magazine_id = a.magazine_id) total_comments,
ati.ticker_string AS ticker_data,
ata.tag_string AS tag_data,
ai.image_string AS image_data
FROM news.magazines a,
news.status s,
news.video v,
news.magazine_images i,
news.categories c,
news.copyright_image_data d,
news.magazine_tickers_collected ati,
news.magazine_tags_collected ata,
news.magazine_images_collected ai, nxt x, prv y
a.magazine_id = x.original_id(+)
AND a.magazine_id = y.original_id(+)
AND a.status_id = s.status_id
AND a.category_id = c.category_id
AND a.magazine_id = v.magazine_id(+)
AND a.magazine_id = i.magazine_id(+)
AND a.magazine_id = ata.magazine_id(+)
AND a.magazine_id = ati.magazine_id(+)
AND a.magazine_id = ai.magazine_id(+)
AND i.copyright_image_id = d.image_id(+)
and exists ( select 1 from mtype m where a.magazine_id = m.magazine_id);
由于 where 子句的唯一区别是( a.publ_date > m.publ_date vs a.publ_date < m.publ_date )和 dense_rank 顺序,我尝试从 where 子句中删除上述条件,使用以下方法将两个查询合并为一个: