下面是一个帖子模型,如您所见,我在每个帖子上都有一个 belongsTo 关系,因此用户详细信息也与帖子一起检索。我也希望 Posts.Children 具有完全相同的行为(参见下面的 hasMany 定义)。


我如何也将 belongsTo 关系应用于 Posts.Children ( Posts.Child belongsTo User )?

class Post extends AppModel {

    var $name = 'Post';

    var $belongsTo = array(
        'User' => array(
            'className' => 'User',
            'foreignKey' => 'post_owner',
          'fields' => array( "User.id" , "User.first_name" , "User.last_name" )

    // -=> 
    var $hasMany = array(
        'Child' => array(
            'className' => 'Post',
            'foreignKey' => 'parent_id',
        'conditions' => array( "Child.active" => "1" ),
        'limit' => '2',
        'order' => 'time DESC'

这是我目前使用的 PostsController 代码:

class PostsController extends AppController {    
    var $helpers = array ('Html','Form');
    var $name = 'Posts';

    function index() {
        $conditions = array( "Post.parent_id" => "0" , "Post.active" => "1" );
        $this->set(     'posts', $this->Post->find('all',array(   'conditions'=>$conditions     ))   );
        debug(   $this->Post->find('all',array(   'conditions'=>$conditions  ))   );

“如果您在帖子控制器中调用 debug($this->Post->Child); ,输出是什么?” 这里是:

Post Object
    [name] => Post
    [hasMany] => Array
            [Child] => Array
                [className] => Post
                [foreignKey] => parent_id
                [conditions] => Array
                        [Child.active] => 1

                [fields] => 
                [order] => 
                [limit] => 
                [offset] => 
                [dependent] => 
                [exclusive] => 
                [finderQuery] => 
                [counterQuery] => 


[belongsTo] => Array
        [User] => Array
                [className] => User
                [foreignKey] => dom
                [fields] => Array
                        [0] => User.id
                        [1] => User.first_name
                        [2] => User.last_name

                [conditions] => 
                [order] => 
                [counterCache] => 


[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => posts
[displayField] => title
[id] => 
[data] => Array

[table] => posts
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
        [active] => Array
                [type] => integer
                [null] => 
                [default] => 1
                [length] => 1

        [id] => Array
                [type] => integer
                [null] => 
                [default] => 
                [length] => 11
                [key] => primary

        [parent_id] => Array
                [type] => integer
                [null] => 
                [default] => 0
                [length] => 11

        [time] => Array
                [type] => integer
                [null] => 
                [default] => 0
                [length] => 11

        [dom] => Array
                [type] => integer
                [null] => 
                [default] => 
                [length] => 11

        [sub] => Array
                [type] => integer
                [null] => 
                [default] => 
                [length] => 11

        [created] => Array
                [type] => datetime
                [null] => 
                [default] => 
                [length] => 

        [modified] => Array
                [type] => datetime
                [null] => 
                [default] => 
                [length] => 

        [text] => Array
                [type] => string
                [null] => 
                [default] => 
                [length] => 4096
                [collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
                [charset] => latin1


[validate] => Array

[validationErrors] => Array

[tablePrefix] => 
[alias] => Child
[tableToModel] => Array
        [posts] => Child
        [users] => User

[logTransactions] => 
[cacheQueries] => 
[hasOne] => Array

[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array

[actsAs] => 
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
        [modelName] => Child
        [_attached] => Array

        [_disabled] => Array

        [__methods] => Array

        [__mappedMethods] => Array


[whitelist] => Array

[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] => 
[recursive] => 1
[order] => 
[virtualFields] => Array

[__associationKeys] => Array
        [belongsTo] => Array
                [0] => className
                [1] => foreignKey
                [2] => conditions
                [3] => fields
                [4] => order
                [5] => counterCache

        [hasOne] => Array
                [0] => className
                [1] => foreignKey
                [2] => conditions
                [3] => fields
                [4] => order
                [5] => dependent

        [hasMany] => Array
                [0] => className
                [1] => foreignKey
                [2] => conditions
                [3] => fields
                [4] => order
                [5] => limit
                [6] => offset
                [7] => dependent
                [8] => exclusive
                [9] => finderQuery
                [10] => counterQuery

        [hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
                [0] => className
                [1] => joinTable
                [2] => with
                [3] => foreignKey
                [4] => associationForeignKey
                [5] => conditions
                [6] => fields
                [7] => order
                [8] => limit
                [9] => offset
                [10] => unique
                [11] => finderQuery
                [12] => deleteQuery
                [13] => insertQuery


[__associations] => Array
        [0] => belongsTo
        [1] => hasOne
        [2] => hasMany
        [3] => hasAndBelongsToMany

[__backAssociation] => Array

[__insertID] => 
[__numRows] => 
[__affectedRows] => 
[_findMethods] => Array
        [all] => 1
        [first] => 1
        [count] => 1
        [neighbors] => 1
        [list] => 1
        [threaded] => 1

[User] => User Object
        [name] => User
        [validate] => Array
                [name] => Array
                        [rule] => Array
                                [0] => minLength
                                [1] => 4

                        [message] => Name has to be at least four characters

                [email] => Array
                        [rule] => Array
                                [0] => email

                        [message] => Please enter a valid email

                [username] => Array
                        [Username has to be at least four characters] => Array
                                [rule] => Array
                                        [0] => minLength
                                        [1] => 4


                        [This username is already taken, please try another] => Array
                                [rule] => isUnique


                [password] => Array
                        [Password cannot be empty] => Array
                                [rule] => Array
                                        [0] => notEmpty


                        [Password must be at least four characters] => Array
                                [rule] => Array
                                        [0] => minLength
                                        [1] => 4


                        [Passwords must match] => Array
                                [rule] => Array
                                        [0] => passwordCompare
                                        [1] => password_confirm




        [useDbConfig] => default
        [useTable] => users
        [displayField] => id
        [id] => 
        [data] => Array

        [table] => users
        [primaryKey] => id
        [_schema] => Array
                [id] => Array
                        [type] => integer
                        [null] => 
                        [default] => 
                        [length] => 11
                        [key] => primary

                [type] => Array
                        [type] => boolean
                        [null] => 
                        [default] => 1
                        [length] => 1

                [is_active] => Array
                        [type] => boolean
                        [null] => 
                        [default] => 1
                        [length] => 1

                [gender] => Array
                        [type] => boolean
                        [null] => 
                        [default] => 1
                        [length] => 1

                [first_name] => Array
                        [type] => string
                        [null] => 
                        [default] => 
                        [length] => 200
                        [collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
                        [charset] => latin1

                [last_name] => Array
                        [type] => string
                        [null] => 
                        [default] => 
                        [length] => 200
                        [collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
                        [charset] => latin1

                [email] => Array
                        [type] => string
                        [null] => 
                        [default] => 
                        [length] => 200
                        [collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
                        [charset] => latin1

                [username] => Array
                        [type] => string
                        [null] => 
                        [default] => 
                        [length] => 200
                        [collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
                        [charset] => latin1

                [password] => Array
                        [type] => string
                        [null] => 
                        [default] => 
                        [length] => 200
                        [collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
                        [charset] => latin1

                [created] => Array
                        [type] => datetime
                        [null] => 
                        [default] => 
                        [length] => 

                [modified] => Array
                        [type] => datetime
                        [null] => 
                        [default] => 
                        [length] => 

                [bio] => Array
                        [type] => string
                        [null] => 
                        [default] => 
                        [length] => 2048
                        [collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
                        [charset] => latin1


        [validationErrors] => Array

        [tablePrefix] => 
        [alias] => User
        [tableToModel] => Array
                [users] => User

        [logTransactions] => 
        [cacheQueries] => 
        [belongsTo] => Array

        [hasOne] => Array

        [hasMany] => Array

        [hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array

        [actsAs] => 
        [Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
                [modelName] => User
                [_attached] => Array

                [_disabled] => Array

                [__methods] => Array

                [__mappedMethods] => Array


        [whitelist] => Array

        [cacheSources] => 1
        [findQueryType] => 
        [recursive] => 1
        [order] => 
        [virtualFields] => Array

        [__associationKeys] => Array
                [belongsTo] => Array
                        [0] => className
                        [1] => foreignKey
                        [2] => conditions
                        [3] => fields
                        [4] => order
                        [5] => counterCache

                [hasOne] => Array
                        [0] => className
                        [1] => foreignKey
                        [2] => conditions
                        [3] => fields
                        [4] => order
                        [5] => dependent

                [hasMany] => Array
                        [0] => className
                        [1] => foreignKey
                        [2] => conditions
                        [3] => fields
                        [4] => order
                        [5] => limit
                        [6] => offset
                        [7] => dependent
                        [8] => exclusive
                        [9] => finderQuery
                        [10] => counterQuery

                [hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
                        [0] => className
                        [1] => joinTable
                        [2] => with
                        [3] => foreignKey
                        [4] => associationForeignKey
                        [5] => conditions
                        [6] => fields
                        [7] => order
                        [8] => limit
                        [9] => offset
                        [10] => unique
                        [11] => finderQuery
                        [12] => deleteQuery
                        [13] => insertQuery


        [__associations] => Array
                [0] => belongsTo
                [1] => hasOne
                [2] => hasMany
                [3] => hasAndBelongsToMany

        [__backAssociation] => Array

        [__insertID] => 
        [__numRows] => 
        [__affectedRows] => 
        [_findMethods] => Array
                [all] => 1
                [first] => 1
                [count] => 1
                [neighbors] => 1
                [list] => 1
                [threaded] => 1


    [Child] => Post Object

2 回答 2



var $belongsTo = array( 'Post' );


还不清楚您是否将模型称为“儿童”或“儿童”。$hasMany关系是 uses Children,但在你说的问题中-Posts.Child你是否正确设置了变形?

编辑:我可能误解了这个问题:如果你想要一个 hasMany 关系,你已经有了。问题在于您检索数据的方式或关系定义。

于 2011-08-08T15:08:56.233 回答

你什么都不用做,Child 也是 Post,所以也属于 User。(你应该把它命名为“孩子”而不是“孩子”)


于 2011-08-08T17:13:13.543 回答