是否可以使用 apache 链锯在我的 j2ee 应用程序中打开 log4j 生成的现有日志文件,而不使用任何特殊配置?
是否可以使用 apache 链锯在我的 j2ee 应用程序中打开 log4j 生成的现有日志文件,而不使用任何特殊配置?
Yes, use the latest developer snapshot of Apache Chainsaw, available here: http://people.apache.org/~sdeboy
When the Chainsaw configuration dialog is displayed, choose the 'process a log file' option, click the 'open file' link to browse to your log file and then change the 'log file format' to MESSAGE (you can specify a complete format, but this will at least get your messages into Chainsaw quickly).
For information on how to specify the format completely, see the VFSLogFilePatternReceiver javadoc here: http://logging.apache.org/chainsaw/apidocs/org/apache/log4j/chainsaw/vfs/VFSLogFilePatternReceiver.html