我正在研究 avro 模式。当我尝试使用 dotnet Apache.Avro.Tools --version 1.11.0 命令行自动生成 dto 类 (avrogen -s schema.avsc .) 时,我的架构出现了一些解析错误:
Undefined name: record at 'fields[0].type.items.fields[1].type.items.fields[1].type.type'
我的 schema.avsc 是:
"type": "record",
"name": "MyName",
"namespace": "MyNameSpace",
"doc": "My doc",
"fields": [{
"name": "load_groupings",
"type": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "record",
"name": "LoadGrouping",
"doc": "Load grouping: A physical shipment along with its stops\n\n @field lane_id: the lane ID number this load grouping will run on.\n @field load_stops: the stops to be executed by this load grouping.\n @field loads: the loads associated with this load grouping.\n @field departure_date: the shipment date (date of first origin stop) of this load grouping.",
"fields": [{
"name": "lane_id",
"type": "int"
}, {
"name": "load_stops",
"type": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "record",
"name": "LoadStop",
"doc": "A load stop to be associated with a load.\n\n @field stop_sequence: the sequence number of this stop among all stops made by the parent load grouping.\n @field facility_service_id: the facility service id of this stop which includes entity id and type.",
"fields": [{
"name": "stop_sequence",
"type": "int"
}, {
"name": "facility_service_id",
"type": {
"type": "record",
"name": "FacilityServiceID",
"doc": "Facility Service ID\n\n Service at physical facility.\n\n @field entity_id: entity id of this facility service\n @field entity_type: entity type of this facility service. Allowing null values for Small Parcel scenarios\n (carrier hubs and stations)\n @field agent_service_type: for facility service with entity_type of agent, the agent_service_type of the\n entity",
"fields": [{
"name": "entity_id",
"type": "int"
}, {
"name": "entity_type",
"type": ["null", {
"type": "enum",
"name": "EntityType",
"doc": "Entity Type\n\n SUPPLIER:\n AGENT:\n WAREHOUSE:",
"symbols": ["SUPPLIER", "AGENT", "WAREHOUSE"]
}, {
"name": "agent_service_type",
"type": ["null", {
"type": "enum",
"name": "AgentServiceType",
"doc": "Agent Service Type",
"symbols": ["PP", "XD", "DA"]
"logicalType": "referentialkey_check",
"keyspace": "facility_service"
}, {
"name": "loads",
"type": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "record",
"name": "Load",
"doc": "A load to be associated with a load grouping.\n\n @field origin_stop: the origin stop for this load.\n @field destination_stop: the destination stop for this load.\n @field expected_flow: the expected flow on this load.",
"fields": [{
"name": "origin_stop",
"type": "LoadStop"
}, {
"name": "destination_stop",
"type": "LoadStop"
}, {
"name": "expected_flow",
"type": {
"type": "record",
"name": "FourTuple",
"doc": "Four Tuple\n\n A representation of any 4-tuple record whose entries are named volume, weight, carton, and po.\n\n @field volume: value of the volume dimension in cubes\n @field weight: value of the weight dimension in lbs\n @field carton: value of number of cartons\n @field po: value of number of purchase orders",
"fields": [{
"name": "volume",
"type": "double"
}, {
"name": "weight",
"type": "double"
}, {
"name": "carton",
"type": "double"
}, {
"name": "po",
"type": "double"
}, {
"name": "departure_date",
"type": "string"
}, {
"name": "lane_movements",
"type": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "record",
"name": "PlannedLaneMovement",
"doc": "Lane Movement: A physical shipment along with its stops\n\n @field lane_id: the lane ID number this load grouping will run on.\n @field loads: the loads associated with this load grouping.\n @field ready_date: the shipment date (date of first origin stop) of this lane movement.",
"fields": [{
"name": "lane_id",
"type": "int"
}, {
"name": "loads",
"type": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "record",
"name": "PlannedLoad",
"doc": "A load to be associated with a lane movement.\n\n @field origin_facility_service_id: the origin facility service for this load.\n @field destination_facility_service_id: the destination facility service for this load.\n @field expected_flow: the expected flow on this load.",
"fields": [{
"name": "origin_facility_service_id",
"type": "FacilityServiceID"
}, {
"name": "destination_facility_service_id",
"type": "FacilityServiceID"
}, {
"name": "expected_flow",
"type": "FourTuple"
}, {
"name": "ready_date",
"type": "string"
我使用 js 编辑器来 console.log :fields[0].type.items.fields[1].type.items.fields[1].type.type
type: 'record',
name: 'FacilityServiceID',
doc: 'Facility Service ID\n' +
'\n' +
' Service at physical facility.\n' +
'\n' +
' @field entity_id: entity id of this facility service\n' +
' @field entity_type: entity type of this facility service. Allowing null values for Small Parcel scenarios\n' +
' (carrier hubs and stations)\n' +
' @field agent_service_type: for facility service with entity_type of agent, the agent_service_type of the\n' +
' entity',
fields: [
{ name: 'entity_id', type: 'int' },
{ name: 'entity_type', type: [Array] },
{ name: 'agent_service_type', type: [Array] }
logicalType: 'referentialkey_check',
keyspace: 'facility_service'
不知道我的架构有什么问题,并且所有代码都使用avro 查看器进行了很好的处理,有人 可以帮我解决这个错误吗?太感谢了!