我有一个玩具图g,然后我通过拉普拉斯算子的辅因子找到了生成树的数量。数字是 11。

n <- 5   #  n=5
m <- 6   #  m=6
g <- erdos.renyi.game(n, p.or.m=m, type="gnm" , directed=FALSE, loops=FALSE)

lap_mat <- laplacian_matrix(g)   
print(paste("number of spanning trees by cofactor = ", det(lap_mat[-1,-1])))
# 11


par(mfrow=c(2, 3))
layout <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(g)
plot(g, main="Original graph", vertex.size = 40, layout = layout)

graph.bfs()然后使用函数创建了 5 个生成树:

for (i in 1:n) {
  r <- graph.bfs(g, root=i, order=TRUE, father=TRUE)
  h <- graph(rbind(r$order, r$father[r$order, na_ok = TRUE])[, -1], directed=FALSE)
  plot(h, main=paste("Spanning tree for root=", i), vertex.size = 40, layout = layout)


我需要绘制所有生成树。例如,不创建根 = 5 的下一棵树:




2 回答 2




由于您有 6 条弧和 5 个顶点,因此您只需从 6 条弧中删除 2 条即可找到生成树。会有combn(6,2)选项,你可以一一删除那些边组合,检查是否还有生成树

  function(x) length(decompose(x)) == 1,
    ecount(g) - vcount(g) + 1,
    FUN = function(x) delete.edges(g, E(g)[x]),
    simplify = FALSE

这给出了所有 11 棵生成树

IGRAPH 9692f3d U--- 5 4 -- Erdos renyi (gnm) graph
+ attr: name (g/c), type (g/c), loops (g/l), m (g/n)
+ edges from 9692f3d:
[1] 2--4 3--4 1--5 2--5

IGRAPH 969368e U--- 5 4 -- Erdos renyi (gnm) graph
+ attr: name (g/c), type (g/c), loops (g/l), m (g/n)
+ edges from 969368e:
[1] 1--3 3--4 1--5 2--5

IGRAPH 969368e U--- 5 4 -- Erdos renyi (gnm) graph
+ attr: name (g/c), type (g/c), loops (g/l), m (g/n)
+ edges from 969368e:
[1] 1--3 2--4 1--5 2--5

IGRAPH 96938fa U--- 5 4 -- Erdos renyi (gnm) graph
+ attr: name (g/c), type (g/c), loops (g/l), m (g/n)
+ edges from 96938fa:
[1] 1--3 2--4 3--4 2--5

IGRAPH 96938fa U--- 5 4 -- Erdos renyi (gnm) graph
+ attr: name (g/c), type (g/c), loops (g/l), m (g/n)
+ edges from 96938fa:
[1] 1--3 2--4 3--4 1--5

IGRAPH 9693ded U--- 5 4 -- Erdos renyi (gnm) graph
+ attr: name (g/c), type (g/c), loops (g/l), m (g/n)
+ edges from 9693ded:
[1] 1--2 2--4 3--4 2--5

IGRAPH 969404b U--- 5 4 -- Erdos renyi (gnm) graph
+ attr: name (g/c), type (g/c), loops (g/l), m (g/n)
+ edges from 969404b:
[1] 1--2 2--4 3--4 1--5

IGRAPH 96942b7 U--- 5 4 -- Erdos renyi (gnm) graph
+ attr: name (g/c), type (g/c), loops (g/l), m (g/n)
+ edges from 96942b7:
[1] 1--2 1--3 3--4 2--5

IGRAPH 9694527 U--- 5 4 -- Erdos renyi (gnm) graph
+ attr: name (g/c), type (g/c), loops (g/l), m (g/n)
+ edges from 9694527:
[1] 1--2 1--3 3--4 1--5

IGRAPH 9694527 U--- 5 4 -- Erdos renyi (gnm) graph
+ attr: name (g/c), type (g/c), loops (g/l), m (g/n)
+ edges from 9694527:
[1] 1--2 1--3 2--4 2--5

IGRAPH 9694797 U--- 5 4 -- Erdos renyi (gnm) graph
+ attr: name (g/c), type (g/c), loops (g/l), m (g/n)
+ edges from 9694797:
[1] 1--2 1--3 2--4 1--5
于 2021-11-04T11:01:44.203 回答


  1. 对于原始图 G,我们有 |V(G)| = 5, |E(G)| = 6


  2. 图 G 的生成树 T 将恰好有 V(G)-1=4 个顶点。

  3. 但这并不意味着我们可以从 G 中任意选择和删除任意 2 条边来得到生成树 T。例如,如果我们选择删除边 (1,5) 和 (2,5),我们将得到跟随断开的图,它不是一棵树:


  4. 让我们在图中找到从顶点 1 开始的循环。请注意,由于从顶点 1 到 2 有一条边,因此找到从 1 开始到顶点 2 结束的所有可能路径(长度 >1)。现在,如果我们扩展每个通过在最后添加边 (2,1) 来计算路径,我们将在简单图 G 中找到所有可能的循环,从顶点 1 开始/结束,就像在下一个代码块中所做的那样:

    cycle_edges <- c()
    C <- list() # all possible cycles staring / ending on vertex 1
    for (path in all_simple_paths(g, 1, 2, mode="out")) {
       pn <- length(path)
       if (pn > 2) { # not a single edge
          cycle <- c(as.vector(path), 1)
          name <- paste(cycle, collapse='')
          C[[name]] <- c()
          for (i in 1:pn) {
             C[[name]] <- c(C[[name]], paste(cycle[i], cycle[i+1], sep='|'))    


    # $`13421`
    # [1] "1|3" "3|4" "4|2" "2|1"    
    # $`1521`
    # [1] "1|5" "5|2" "2|1"
  5. 现在从每个循环中选择一个边来删除并生成一个唯一的生成树:

    count <- 1
    for (e1 in C[[1]]) {
       for (e2 in C[[2]]) {
          if (e1 != e2) { # make sure not to remove same edge twice
             g1 <- g %>% delete_edges(c(e1, e2))
             plot(g1, main=paste("spanning tree", count), layout = layout)
             count <- count + 1


于 2021-11-28T09:57:14.387 回答