我最初使用“knex”:“0.12.9”的这段代码已更新为“knex”:“^0.95.4”和“oracledb”:“^5.2.0”。我正在使用 OracleDB 11g,它在运行超过 1000 条记录的查询时会出现 ORA 01795 错误。


* fix of whereIn oracle db restriction (max number of values in where is 1000)
* @param statement
* @returns {*}
EMSOracleQueryCompiler.prototype.whereIn = function whereIn(statement) {

function chunk(arr, begin, amtValue){
    let result = [],
        start = begin || 0,
        amount = amtValue || 500,
        len = arr.length;

    do {
        //console.log('appending ', start, '-', start + amount, 'of ', len, '.');
        result.push(arr.slice(start, start+amount));
        start += amount;

    } while (start< len);

    return result;

if (Array.isArray(statement.column))
    return this.multiWhereIn(statement);

if(statement.value.length > 1000) {

    let values = chunk(statement.value, 0, 1000);

    return '(' + values.map(function(array) {
        statement.value = array;
        return this.whereIn(statement);
    }.bind(this)).join(' OR ') + ')';

return this.formatter.wrap(statement.column)
    + ' ' + this._not(statement, 'in ')
    + this.wrap(this.formatter.parameterize(statement.value));

EMSOracleQueryCompiler.prototype.multiWhereIn = function multiWhereIn(statement) {
throw new Error('do not use multiWhereIn, it\'s not implemented yet');


较新的 Knex 版本如何处理?


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