My Angular storybook was working perfectly fine, but i added a compoenent, tried to re-generate storybook and started getting followoing error

    info => Loading presets

info => Loading 1 config file in "C:\code\libs\lib-core\.storybook"
info => Loading 8 other files in "C:\code\libs\lib-core\.storybook"
info => Adding stories defined in "C:\code\libs\lib-core\.storybook\main.js"
info => Found custom tsconfig.json
info => Using implicit CSS loaders
info => Loading angular-cli config
info => Using angular project "lib-core:build" for configuring Storybook
ERR! => Could not get angular cli webpack config
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received undefined

          Broken build, fix the error above.
          You may need to refresh the browser.


>  NX   

  Failed tasks:

  Hint: run the command with --verbose for more details.

1 回答 1


为了解决这个问题,我不得不在架构师 --> 构建 --> 选项下添加一个属性 tsConfig,并尝试重新运行故事书


于 2021-10-26T23:51:45.887 回答