我在网上找到了本课的代码(http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/ftpdir/6.001-fall91/ps4/matcher-from-lecture.scm),我玩得很开心试图调试它。该代码看起来与 Sussman 所写的非常相似:
;;; Scheme code from the Pattern Matcher lecture
;; Pattern Matching and Simplification
(define (match pattern expression dictionary)
(cond ((eq? dictionary 'failed) 'failed)
((atom? pattern)
(if (atom? expression)
(if (eq? pattern expression)
((arbitrary-constant? pattern)
(if (constant? expression)
(extend-dictionary pattern expression dictionary)
((arbitrary-variable? pattern)
(if (variable? expression)
(extend-dictionary pattern expression dictionary)
((arbitrary-expression? pattern)
(extend-dictionary pattern expression dictionary))
((atom? expression) 'failed)
(match (cdr pattern)
(cdr expression)
(match (car pattern)
(car expression)
(define (instantiate skeleton dictionary)
(cond ((atom? skeleton) skeleton)
((skeleton-evaluation? skeleton)
(evaluate (evaluation-expression skeleton)
(else (cons (instantiate (car skeleton) dictionary)
(instantiate (cdr skeleton) dictionary)))))
(define (simplifier the-rules)
(define (simplify-exp exp)
(try-rules (if (compound? exp)
(simplify-parts exp)
(define (simplify-parts exp)
(if (null? exp)
(cons (simplify-exp (car exp))
(simplify-parts (cdr exp)))))
(define (try-rules exp)
(define (scan rules)
(if (null? rules)
(let ((dictionary (match (pattern (car rules))
(if (eq? dictionary 'failed)
(scan (cdr rules))
(simplify-exp (instantiate (skeleton (car rules))
(scan the-rules))
;; Dictionaries
(define (make-empty-dictionary) '())
(define (extend-dictionary pat dat dictionary)
(let ((vname (variable-name pat)))
(let ((v (assq vname dictionary)))
(cond ((null? v)
(cons (list vname dat) dictionary))
((eq? (cadr v) dat) dictionary)
(else 'failed)))))
(define (lookup var dictionary)
(let ((v (assq var dictionary)))
(if (null? v)
(cadr v))))
;; Expressions
(define (compound? exp) (pair? exp))
(define (constant? exp) (number? exp))
(define (variable? exp) (atom? exp))
;; Rules
(define (pattern rule) (car rule))
(define (skeleton rule) (cadr rule))
;; Patterns
(define (arbitrary-constant? pattern)
(if (pair? pattern) (eq? (car pattern) '?c) false))
(define (arbitrary-expression? pattern)
(if (pair? pattern) (eq? (car pattern) '? ) false))
(define (arbitrary-variable? pattern)
(if (pair? pattern) (eq? (car pattern) '?v) false))
(define (variable-name pattern) (cadr pattern))
;; Skeletons & Evaluations
(define (skeleton-evaluation? skeleton)
(if (pair? skeleton) (eq? (car skeleton) ':) false))
(define (evaluation-expression evaluation) (cadr evaluation))
;; Evaluate (dangerous magic)
(define (evaluate form dictionary)
(if (atom? form)
(lookup form dictionary)
(apply (eval (lookup (car form) dictionary)
(mapcar (lambda (v) (lookup v dictionary))
(cdr form)))))
;; A couple sample rule databases...
;; Algebraic simplification
(define algebra-rules
( ((? op) (?c c1) (?c c2)) (: (op c1 c2)) )
( ((? op) (? e ) (?c c )) ((: op) (: c) (: e)) )
( (+ 0 (? e)) (: e) )
( (* 1 (? e)) (: e) )
( (* 0 (? e)) 0 )
( (* (?c c1) (* (?c c2) (? e ))) (* (: (* c1 c2)) (: e)) )
( (* (? e1) (* (?c c ) (? e2))) (* (: c ) (* (: e1) (: e2))) )
( (* (* (? e1) (? e2)) (? e3)) (* (: e1) (* (: e2) (: e3))) )
( (+ (?c c1) (+ (?c c2) (? e ))) (+ (: (+ c1 c2)) (: e)) )
( (+ (? e1) (+ (?c c ) (? e2))) (+ (: c ) (+ (: e1) (: e2))) )
( (+ (+ (? e1) (? e2)) (? e3)) (+ (: e1) (+ (: e2) (: e3))) )
( (+ (* (?c c1) (? e)) (* (?c c2) (? e))) (* (: (+ c1 c2)) (: e)) )
( (* (? e1) (+ (? e2) (? e3))) (+ (* (: e1) (: e2))
(* (: e1) (: e3))) )
(define algsimp (simplifier algebra-rules))
;; Symbolic Differentiation
(define deriv-rules
( (dd (?c c) (? v)) 0 )
( (dd (?v v) (? v)) 1 )
( (dd (?v u) (? v)) 0 )
( (dd (+ (? x1) (? x2)) (? v)) (+ (dd (: x1) (: v))
(dd (: x2) (: v))) )
( (dd (* (? x1) (? x2)) (? v)) (+ (* (: x1) (dd (: x2) (: v)))
(* (dd (: x1) (: v)) (: x2))) )
( (dd (** (? x) (?c n)) (? v)) (* (* (: n) (+ (: x) (: (- n 1))))
(dd (: x) (: v))) )
(define dsimp (simplifier deriv-rules))
(define scheme-rules
'(( (square (?c n)) (: (* n n)) )
( (fact 0) 1 )
( (fact (?c n)) (* (: n) (fact (: (- n 1)))) )
( (fib 0) 0 )
( (fib 1) 1 )
( (fib (?c n)) (+ (fib (: (- n 1)))
(fib (: (- n 2)))) )
( ((? op) (?c e1) (?c e2)) (: (op e1 e2)) ) ))
(define scheme-evaluator (simplifier scheme-rules))
我正在使用 R5RS 在 DrRacket 中运行它,我遇到的第一个问题是那个原子?是一个未定义的标识符。所以,我发现我可以添加以下内容:
(define (atom? x) ; atom? is not in a pair or null (empty)
(and (not (pair? x))
(not (null? x))))
(dsimp '(dd (+ x y) x))
正如苏斯曼所说,我应该回来(+ 1 0)。相反,使用 R5RS 我似乎打破了扩展字典的过程:
((eq? (cadr v) dat) dictionary)
它返回的具体错误是: mcdr: expects argument of type mutable-pair; 给定#f
使用 neil/sicp 时,我在以下行中断了评估程序:
(apply (eval (lookup (car form) dictionary)