我有一个我想异步执行的 python 任务(我尝试同步但它冻结了页面并Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated在控制台中给出警告)。

问题是我无法从文档中了解如何正确设置 ajax 调用以使代码在后台运行并取回数据。我目前正在使用 URL 来传递数据,但可能有一个更简单的解决方案(我不介意一切都可以在主 html 上完成)。



<body onload="brython()">

    <input type="text" id="val" placeholder="My value here">
    <button id="ok">Launch</button>
    <div id="rez">The place where I want the result</div>

    <!-- Calling my xyz.py file -->
    <script type="text/python" id="script3">

    # Here I try to to make an ajax async call to my xyz.py file,
    # Currently the following code returns my xyz.py code in the div instead of the result of the operation
        from browser import document, ajax
        def on_complete(req):
            data = req.responseText
            document['rez'].text = data
        def launch(e):
            req = ajax.ajax()
            input_data = document['val'].value
            url = "./xyz.py?val="+input_data
            req.bind('complete', on_complete)
            req.open('GET', url, True)                
        document['ok'].bind('click', launch)



from browser import document, ajax

#here I'd like to get the POSTed value, I think this should work
value = document.query['val']

def main(e):
    #My main function, that runs for 30s and needs to be done asynchronously
    #Reads from a big file and search regexs among other things

    return result

document <= main(value)
#How to properly send back the result into my #rez div?



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