使用嵌套对象时,我很难让我的 ValidationPipe 在类验证器中工作。

例如,我有 NestedObject 格式:

    Data: '123',
    Value: 567

然后我创建了nested-object.ts 类:

import { IsNumber, IsNumberString, Min, MinLength } from 'class-validator';

export class NestedObject {
    @IsNumberString() @MinLength(2) public readonly Data: string;
    @IsNumber() @Min(2) public readonly Value: number;

然后我可以编写一个 Jest 测试用例来覆盖 ValidationPipe 中的这个嵌套对象,并验证数据。


import { ArgumentMetadata, HttpStatus, ValidationPipe } from '@nestjs/common';
import { NestedObject } from './nested-object';

describe('NestedObject', () => {
    it('should be defined', () => {
        expect(new NestedObject()).toBeDefined();

    it('should validate the NestedObject definition for JSON payload { Data: null, Value: 0 }', async () => {
        const target: ValidationPipe = new ValidationPipe({
            transform: true,
            whitelist: true,
            enableDebugMessages: true,
            errorHttpStatusCode: HttpStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY,
        const metadata: ArgumentMetadata = {
            type: 'body',
            metatype: NestedObject,
            data: '',
        const Expected: string[] = [
            'Data must be longer than or equal to 2 characters',
            'Data must be a number string',
            'Value must not be less than 2',
        await target.transform({ Data: null, Value: 0 }, metadata).catch((err) => {



import { Type } from 'class-transformer';
import { IsString, MinLength, ValidateNested } from 'class-validator';

import { NestedObject } from './nested-object';

export class ParentObject {
    @IsString() @MinLength(1) public readonly FileName: string;

    @Type(() => NestedObject)
    public Child: NestedObject;

我现在期望我的 ParentObject 将是:

    FileName: 'abc.txt',
    Child: {
        Data: '123',
        Value: 567

然后我为 ParentObject 编写测试用例。


import { ArgumentMetadata, HttpStatus, ValidationPipe } from '@nestjs/common';
import { NestedObject } from './nested-object';
import { ParentObject } from './parent-object';

describe('ParentObject', () => {
    it('should be defined', () => {
        expect(new ParentObject()).toBeDefined();

    it('should validate the ParentObject & NestedObject for JSON payload { FileName: null, Child: { Data: null, Value: 0 } }', async () => {
        const target: ValidationPipe = new ValidationPipe({
            transform: true,
            whitelist: true,
            enableDebugMessages: true,
            errorHttpStatusCode: HttpStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY,
        const metadata: ArgumentMetadata = {
            type: 'body',
            metatype: ParentObject,
            data: '',
        const Expected: string[] = [
            'FileName must be longer than or equal to 1 characters',
            'FileName must be a string',
            'Child.Data must be longer than or equal to 2 characters',
            'Child.Data must be a number string',
            'Child.Value must not be less than 2',
        await target.transform({ FileName: null, Child: { Data: null, Value: 0 } }, metadata).catch((err) => {

测试失败。该测试仅返回 FileName 验证,而不是应该来自 NestedObject 的 3 个 Child 验证。

- Expected  - 3
+ Received  + 2

  Array [
-   "Child.Data must be longer than or equal to 2 characters",
-   "Child.Data must be a number string",
-   "Child.Value must not be less than 2",
+   "FileName must be longer than or equal to 1 characters",
+   "FileName must be a string",

验证运行并检测到 FileName 问题,但未发现 NestedObject 错误。使用 NestedObject 时我是否错误地构建了对象?我是否在测试中遗漏了一些东西来检查子节点?


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