以下查询返回至少有 3 个大城市的河流。
# rivers with at least 3 big cities
SELECT ?river ?riverLabel (COUNT(?city) AS ?citycount)
?river wdt:P31 wd:Q4022. # ... is a river
?city wdt:P31 wd:Q1549591. # ... is a big city
?city wdt:P206 ?river. # ... located in or next to body of water
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]".}
GROUP BY ?river ?riverLabel
HAVING (?citycount >= 3) # ← important line
ORDER BY DESC(?citycount)
如何在答案中包含实际城市(及其标签)?顺序应该保持不变,即前 13 个结果应该是位于长江的城市,接下来的 11 个结果应该是位于莱茵河的城市,等等。