我正在做一个经常将 []int32 转换为 []byte 的项目。我创建了一个函数 intsToBytes 来执行就地转换以最小化复制。我注意到 Go 的逃逸分析没有意识到这一点intsbytes引用了相同的基础数据。结果,ints被下一个函数的堆栈数据覆盖,并继续bytes存在并引用被覆盖的数据。


func pack() []byte {
   ints := []int32{1,2,3,4,5} // This does not escape so it is allocated on the stack
   bytes := intsToBytes(ints) // 'ints' and 'bytes' are different slice headers
   return bytes 
   // After the return, the []int32{...} is deallocated and can be overwritten
   // by the next function's stack data

func intsToBytes(i []int32) []byte {
    const SizeOfInt32 = 4

    // Get the slice header
    header := *(*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&i))
    header.Len *= SizeOfInt32
    header.Cap *= SizeOfInt32

    // Convert slice header to an []byte
    data := *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&header))

    /* Potentital Solution
    outData := make([]byte, len(data))
    copy(outData, data)
    return outData

    return data


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