我正在用 html 和 js 制作一个虚拟助手,它可以工作,但是每次你按下“询问”按钮时,它都会请求麦克风访问权限,即使在我之前授予它访问权限之后也是如此。有什么办法吗?我想可能是我直接从我的文件夹中运行它,所以如果我把它放在服务器或其他东西上会有帮助吗?这是我的代码:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<button onclick="sListening()">Ask something</button>
<div id="a">
var SpeechRecognition = SpeechRecognition || webkitSpeechRecognition;
var recognition = new SpeechRecognition();
// This runs when the speech recognition service starts
recognition.onstart = function() {
document.getElementById("a").innerHTML = "<b>!</b>"
recognition.onspeechend = function() {
// when user is done speaking
// This runs when the speech recognition service returns result
recognition.onresult = function(event) {
var transcript = event.results[0][0].transcript;
process(transcript, "a");
var confidence = event.results[0][0].confidence;
function ranarr(arr) {
return arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)];
function process(text, div) {
document.getElementById(div).innerText = text;
text = text.toLowerCase();
var r = "I don't understand.";
var hiarr = ['Sup?', 'Howdy.', 'Hello!', 'Well hello to you to!']
text = text.split(/([!,?,.,\s])/);
if (text.includes("hi") || text.includes("hello")) {
r = ranarr(hiarr)
let utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(r);
// start recognition
function sListening() {