RTCmulitiConnection 服务器在域名中不起作用

服务器代码:https ://github.com/muaz-khan/RTCMultiConnection-Server

从本地主机连接到服务器时,它可以正常工作,但从公共 IP 或域名返回 400 错误

server.js 代码


const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const url = require('url');
var httpServer = require('http');

const ioServer = require('socket.io');
const RTCMultiConnectionServer = require('./node_scripts/index.js');

var PORT = 9001;
var isUseHTTPs = false;

const jsonPath = {
    config: 'config.json',
    logs: 'logs.json'

const getValuesFromConfigJson = RTCMultiConnectionServer.getValuesFromConfigJson;
const getBashParameters = RTCMultiConnectionServer.getBashParameters;

var config = getValuesFromConfigJson(jsonPath);
config = getBashParameters(config, BASH_COLORS_HELPER);

// if user didn't modifed "PORT" object
// then read value from "config.json"
if(PORT === 9001) {
    PORT = config.port;
if(isUseHTTPs === false) {
    isUseHTTPs = config.isUseHTTPs;

function serverHandler(request, response) {
    // to make sure we always get valid info from json file
    // even if external codes are overriding it
    config = getValuesFromConfigJson(jsonPath);
    config = getBashParameters(config, BASH_COLORS_HELPER);

    response.writeHead(200, {
        'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
    response.write('RTCMultiConnection Socket.io Server.\n\n' + 'https://github.com/muaz-khan/RTCMultiConnection-Server\n\n' + 'npm install RTCMultiConnection-Server');

var httpApp;

if (isUseHTTPs) {
    httpServer = require('https');

    // See how to use a valid certificate:
    // https://github.com/muaz-khan/WebRTC-Experiment/issues/62
    var options = {
        key: null,
        cert: null,
        ca: null

    var pfx = false;

    if (!fs.existsSync(config.sslKey)) {
        console.log(BASH_COLORS_HELPER.getRedFG(), 'sslKey:\t ' + config.sslKey + ' does not exist.');
    } else {
        pfx = config.sslKey.indexOf('.pfx') !== -1;
        options.key = fs.readFileSync(config.sslKey);

    if (!fs.existsSync(config.sslCert)) {
        console.log(BASH_COLORS_HELPER.getRedFG(), 'sslCert:\t ' + config.sslCert + ' does not exist.');
    } else {
        options.cert = fs.readFileSync(config.sslCert);

    if (config.sslCabundle) {
        if (!fs.existsSync(config.sslCabundle)) {
            console.log(BASH_COLORS_HELPER.getRedFG(), 'sslCabundle:\t ' + config.sslCabundle + ' does not exist.');

        options.ca = fs.readFileSync(config.sslCabundle);

    if (pfx === true) {
        options = {
            pfx: sslKey

    httpApp = httpServer.createServer(options, serverHandler);
} else {
    httpApp = httpServer.createServer(serverHandler);

RTCMultiConnectionServer.beforeHttpListen(httpApp, config);
httpApp = httpApp.listen(process.env.PORT || PORT, process.env.IP || "", function() {
    RTCMultiConnectionServer.afterHttpListen(httpApp, config);

// --------------------------
// socket.io codes goes below

ioServer(httpApp).on('connection', function(socket) {
    RTCMultiConnectionServer.addSocket(socket, config);

    // ----------------------
    // below code is optional

    const params = socket.handshake.query;

    if (!params.socketCustomEvent) {
        params.socketCustomEvent = 'custom-message';

    socket.on(params.socketCustomEvent, function(message) {
        socket.broadcast.emit(params.socketCustomEvent, message);

它为域或 ip 返回 400 错误错误

运行服务器后,它只在 http://localhost:9001 上运行

但不在我的 Aws 公共 IP 或映射域中



1 回答 1


您是否在 AWS lightail 控制台上添加了端口 9001?在此处输入图像描述

于 2021-11-28T11:36:51.470 回答