假设我想写两个 Typeclass。标题:
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
import Data.Complex
第一个类型类 ExClass 是这样定义的:
class (forall a. (Monoid (t a))) => ExClass t where
exFunc :: [t (Complex a)] -> t (Complex a)
exFunc = mconcat -- the actual function is more complicated
exFunc2 :: (RealFloat a) => t (Complex a) -> a
的假设。t a
newtype ExType a = ExType a
ExType a
仅当Num a
为真时才为 Monoid:
instance (Num a) => Semigroup (ExType a) where
ExType a <> ExType b = ExType (a * b)
instance (Num a) => Monoid (ExType a) where
mempty = ExType 1
现在我继续为 定义类型类实例ExClass
,指定 的约束Num a
instance (forall a. Num a) => ExClass ExType where
exFunc2 (ExType a) = magnitude a
x = ExType 2 :: ExType (Complex Double)
func = exFunc2 x
• No instance for (Num a) arising from a use of ‘exFunc2’
Possible fix: add (Num a) to the context of a quantified context
• In the expression: exFunc2 x
In an equation for ‘func’: func = exFunc2 x
instance (forall a. Monoid(ExType a)) => ExClass ExType where
exFunc2 (ExType a) = magnitude a