
我正在尝试将 Hubspot交易集成到 Google 电子表格中,我正在学习教程https://medium.com/how-to-lean-startup/create-a-hubspot-custom-dashboard-with-google-spreadsheet -and-data-studio-27f9c08ade8d。但我收到一个错误“异常:数据中的列数与范围内的列数不匹配。数据有 0,但范围有 2。 ”。任何人都可以帮助我。谢谢。

var CLIENT_ID = '';     // Enter your Client ID
var CLIENT_SECRET = ''; // Enter your Client secret
var SCOPE = 'contacts';
var AUTH_URL = 'https://app.hubspot.com/oauth/authorize';
var TOKEN_URL = 'https://api.hubapi.com/oauth/v1/token';
var API_URL = 'https://api.hubapi.com';

function getService() {
   return OAuth2.createService('hubspot')
function authCallback(request) {
   var service = getService();
   var authorized = service.handleCallback(request);
   if (authorized) {
      return HtmlService.createHtmlOutput('Success!');
   } else {
      return HtmlService.createHtmlOutput('Denied.');

function authenticate() {
   var service = getService();
   if (service.hasAccess()) {
      // … whatever needs to be done here …
   } else {
      var authorizationUrl = service.getAuthorizationUrl();
      Logger.log('Open the following URL and re-run the script: %s',authorizationUrl);

function getStages() {
  // Prepare authentication to Hubspot
  var service = getService();
  var headers = {headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + service.getAccessToken()}};
  // API request
  var pipeline_id = "default"; // Enter your pipeline id here.
  var url = API_URL + "/crm-pipelines/v1/pipelines/deals";
  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, headers);
  var result = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
  var stages = Array();
  // Looping through the different pipelines you might have in Hubspot
  result.results.forEach(function(item) {
    if (item.pipelineId == pipeline_id) {
      var result_stages = item.stages;
      // Let's sort the stages by displayOrder
      result_stages.sort(function(a,b) {
        return a.displayOrder-b.displayOrder;
      // Let's put all the used stages (id & label) in an array
      result_stages.forEach(function(stage) {
  return stages;

function getDeals() {
   // Prepare authentication to Hubspot
   var service = getService();
   var headers = {headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer '+ service.getAccessToken()}};
   // Prepare pagination
   // Hubspot lets you take max 250 deals per request.
   // We need to make multiple request until we get all the deals.
   var keep_going = true;
   var offset = 0;
   var deals = Array();
   while(keep_going) {
      // We’ll take three properties from the deals: the source, the stage & the amount of the deal
      var url = API_URL + "/deals/v1/deal/paged?properties=dealstage&properties=source&properties=amount&limit=250&offset="+offset;
      var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, headers);
      var result = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
      // Are there any more results, should we stop the pagination
      keep_going = result.hasMore;
      offset = result.offset;
      // For each deal, we take the stageId, source & amount
      result.deals.forEach(function(deal) {
         var stageId = (deal.properties.hasOwnProperty("dealstage")) ? deal.properties.dealstage.value : "unknown";
         var source = (deal.properties.hasOwnProperty("source")) ? deal.properties.source.value : "unknown";
         var amount = (deal.properties.hasOwnProperty("amount")) ? deal.properties.amount.value : 0;
   return deals;

var sheetNameStages = "Stages";
var sheetNameDeals = "Deals";
function writeStages(stages) {
   var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
   var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetNameStages);
   // Let’s put some headers and add the stages to our table
   var matrix = Array(["StageID","Label"]);
   matrix = matrix.concat(stages);
   // Writing the table to the spreadsheet
   var range = sheet.getRange(1,1,matrix.length,matrix[0].length);
function writeDeals(deals) {
   var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
   var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetNameDeals);
   // Let’s put some headers and add the deals to our table
   var matrix = Array(["StageID","Source", "Amount"]);
   matrix = matrix.concat(deals);
   // Writing the table to the spreadsheet
   var range = sheet.getRange(1,1,matrix.length,matrix[0].length);

function refresh() {
   var service = getService();
   if (service.hasAccess()) {
      var stages = getStages();
      var deals = getDeals();
   } else {
      var authorizationUrl = service.getAuthorizationUrl();
      Logger.log('Open the following URL and re-run the script: %s', authorizationUrl);

1 回答 1



看到它说“数据有 0 但范围有 2”意味着它需要 2 列,但从数据中收到 0。

您有 2 个函数用于setValues您的工作表,而需要 2 列的函数很可能是罪魁祸首writeStages。尝试在使用 setValues 之前打印阶段和矩阵,以便在写入之前检查数据的有效性,从那里,您应该能够确定原因并解决问题。

于 2021-10-12T14:48:17.250 回答