可以通过重启explorer来解决(kill and start),但是我根本不想重启
t_switch == 1
用拳头运行代码,运行t_switch == 2
import os
import subprocess
def win_subst(_action, _drive, _path = ''):
if _action == 'delete':
_cmd = 'subst /d {}'.format(_drive)
elif _action == 'mount':
_cmd = 'subst {} {}'.format(_drive, _path)
p = subprocess.Popen(_cmd, shell = True)
return p.returncode
def win_netuse(_action, _drive, _url = '', _account = '', _passwd = ''):
_url = _url.replace('/', '\\')
if _action == 'delete':
_cmd = 'net use {} /delete /y'.format(_drive)
elif _action == 'mount':
_cmd = 'net use {} {} {} /user:{} /persistent:yes /y'.format(_drive, _url, _passwd, _account)
p = subprocess.Popen(_cmd, shell = True)
return p.returncode
def win_mkdir(_dir):
if not os.path.isdir(_dir):
_cmd = 'md {}'.format(_dir)
subprocess.call(_cmd, shell = True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
t_share_url = r'\\127.1\test'
t_samba_usr = 'test'
t_samba_pwd = 'test'
t_win_drive = 'V:'
t_switch = 1
if t_switch == 1:
win_netuse('mount', t_win_drive, t_share_url, t_samba_usr, t_samba_pwd)
elif t_switch == 2:
t_share_url = r'c:\test'
win_netuse('delete', t_win_drive)
# There is a problem with next step, success to subst ,but gets wrong icon in Explorer
# i don't want to kill the explorer and restart it at all
win_subst('mount', t_win_drive, t_share_url)
elif t_switch == 3:
win_subst('delete', t_win_drive)