
它是关于在没有任何强制策略的情况下配置新的 Windows 配置模板。我需要一个 Visual Basic 脚本 (VBS),它可以访问所有用户 HKCU 注册表配置单元(不是 HKLM!),包括域用户和未来用户的默认用户,并且可以选择定义 32 位和 64 位的方法(或绕过窗口重定向)。


  • “RegUpdateAllHkcuHkcr.vbs”(由 Mick Grove 编写)适用于所有用户,但无法使用特定的 32/64 位(https://github.com/micksmix/RegUpdateAllUsers)。
  • 来自“https://www.4thcorner.net/2011/09/30/reading-and-writing-64-bit-register-of-32-bit/”的脚本可以处理 32/64 位,但对于当前仅限用户。

=> 对我来说,没有办法将上面提到的这两种脚本方法结合起来。



1 回答 1


The WMI ProviderArchitecture method does not appear to be needed. You can update HKLM and HKEY_USERS 32 bit and 64 bit entries directly and you can do the same with the not logged on users by loading the NTUser.dat and UsrClass.dat files. HKCU does not need to be edited directly, as it's covered by updating HKEY_USERS. Here's the code (run as administrator):

Const HKLM = &H80000002
Const HKU  = &H80000003
Set oWSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
Dim Prefix, SoftwareClasses
UpdateUserTemplate = True


If UpdateUserTemplate Then
  Prefix = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TempHive"
  ProfilePath = "C:\Users\Default"
  oWSH.Run "reg load HKLM\TempHive " & chr(34) & ProfilePath & "\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat" & chr(34), 0, True
  SoftwareClasses = ""
  oWSH.Run "reg unload HKLM\TempHive", 0, True
  oWSH.Run "reg load HKLM\TempHive " & chr(34) & ProfilePath & "\NTUser.dat" & chr(34), 0, True
  oWSH.Run "reg unload HKLM\TempHive", 0, True
End If

Key = "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList"
Result = oReg.EnumKey(HKLM, Key, ArrProfileList)
If Result=0 Then
  For Each SID In ArrProfileList
    If Len(SID)=45 Then
      Result = oReg.EnumKey(HKU, SID, ArrHKU)
      If Result=0 Then
        UpdateUser True,SID 'Logged on user
        UpdateUser False,SID 'Not logged on user
      End If
    End If
End If

Sub UpdateUser(LoggedOn,SID)
  If LoggedOn Then
    Prefix = "HKEY_USERS\" & SID
    SoftwareClasses = "\Software\Classes"
  End If
  If Not LoggedOn Then
    Prefix = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TempHive"
    ProfilePath = oWSH.RegRead("HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\" & SID & "\ProfileImagePath")
    oWSH.Run "reg load HKLM\TempHive " & chr(34) & ProfilePath & "\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat" & chr(34), 0, True
    SoftwareClasses = ""
  End If
  If Not LoggedOn Then
    oWSH.Run "reg unload HKLM\TempHive", 0, True
    oWSH.Run "reg load HKLM\TempHive " & chr(34) & ProfilePath & "\NTUser.dat" & chr(34), 0, True
  End If
  If Not LoggedOn Then oWSH.Run "reg unload HKLM\TempHive", 0, True
End Sub

'HKLM registry entries go here:
Sub UpdateHKLM
  oWSH.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\_Test\StrTest", "Test", "REG_SZ"
  oWSH.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\_Test\DWTest", "1", "REG_DWORD"
  oWSH.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\_Test\StrTest", "Test", "REG_SZ"
  oWSH.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\_Test\DWTest", "1", "REG_DWORD"
End Sub

'User registry entries that are in the Classes subkey go here:
Sub UpdateUserClasses
  oWSH.RegWrite Prefix & SoftwareClasses & "\CLSID\_Test\StrTest", "Test", "REG_SZ"
  oWSH.RegWrite Prefix & SoftwareClasses & "\CLSID\_Test\DWTest", "1", "REG_DWORD"
  oWSH.RegWrite Prefix & SoftwareClasses & "\WOW6432Node\CLSID\_Test\StrTest", "Test", "REG_SZ"
  oWSH.RegWrite Prefix & SoftwareClasses & "\WOW6432Node\CLSID\_Test\DWTest", "1", "REG_DWORD"
End Sub

'User registry entries that are NOT in the Classes subkey go here:
Sub UpdateUserOther
  oWSH.RegWrite Prefix & "\Software\_Test\StrTest", "Test", "REG_SZ"
  oWSH.RegWrite Prefix & "\Software\_Test\DWTest", "1", "REG_DWORD"
End Sub
于 2021-10-09T05:17:03.800 回答