According to the original paper by Huang
The marginal Hibert spectrum is given by:
where A = A(w,t) (i.e., a function time and frequency) and p(w,A) the joint probability density function of P(ω, A) of the frequency [ωi] and amplitude [Ai].
I am trying to estimate 1) The joint probability density using the plt.hist2d 2) the integral shown below using a sum.
The code I am using is the following:
IA_flat1 = np.ravel(IA) ### Turn matrix to 1 D array
IF_flat1 = np.ravel(IF) ### Here IA corresponds to A
IF_flat = IF_flat1[(IF_flat1>min_f) & (IF_flat1<fs)] ### Keep only desired frequencies
IA_flat = IA_flat1[(IF_flat1>min_f) & (IF_flat1<fs)] ### Keep IA that correspond to desired frequencies
### return the Joint probability density
Pjoint,f_edges, A_edges,_ = plt.hist2d(IF_flat,IA_flat,bins=[bins_F,bins_A], density=True)
n1 = np.digitize(IA_flat, A_edges).astype(int) ### Return the indices of the bins to which
n2 = np.digitize(IF_flat, f_edges).astype(int) ### each value in input array belongs.
### define integration function
from numba import jit, prange ### Numba is added for speed
@jit(nopython=True, parallel= True)
def get_int(A_edges, Pjoint ,IA_flat, n1, n2):
dA = np.diff(A_edges)[0] ### Find dx for integration
sum_h = np.zeros(np.shape(Pjoint)[0]) ### Intitalize array
for j in prange(np.shape(Pjoint)[0]):
h = np.zeros(np.shape(Pjoint)[1]) ### Intitalize array
for k in prange(np.shape(Pjoint)[1]):
needed = IA_flat[(n1==k) & (n2==j)] ### Keep only the elements of arrat that
### are related to PJoint[j,k]
h[k] = Pjoint[j,k]*np.nanmean(needed**2)*dA ### Pjoint*A^2*dA
sum_h[j] = np.nansum(h) ### Sum_{i=0}^{N}(Pjoint*A^2*dA)
return sum_h
### Now run previously defined function
sum_h = get_int(A_edges, Pjoint ,IA_flat, n1, n2)
1) I am not sure that everything is correct though. Any suggestions or comments on what I might be doing wrong? 2) Is there a way to do the same using a scipy integration scheme?