我目前正在尝试代理一些现有的 JAX/RS 资源,以允许我使用 Hibernate Validator 的方法验证支持。但是,当我代理我的类(当前使用 cglib 2.2)时,FormParam 注释不存在于代理类中的参数上,因此 JAX/RS 运行时(apache wink)不会填充参数。下面是一些显示这一点的测试代码:

import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;
import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

import net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer;
import net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodInterceptor;
import net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy;

import javassist.util.proxy.ProxyFactory;

public class ProxyTester {

    @Target( { PARAMETER })
    public static @interface TestAnnotation {

    public static interface IProxyMe {
        void aMethod(@TestAnnotation int param);

    public static class ProxyMe implements IProxyMe {
            public void aMethod(@TestAnnotation int param) {

    static void dumpAnnotations(String type, Object proxy, Object forObject,
            String forMethod) {
        String className = forObject.getClass().getName();

        System.err.println(type + " proxy for Class: " + className);

        for (Method method : proxy.getClass().getMethods()) {
            if (method.getName().equals(forMethod)) {
                final int paramCount = method.getParameterTypes().length;
                System.err.println(" Method: " + method.getName() + " has "
                        + paramCount + " parameters");
                int i = 0;
                for (Annotation[] paramAnnotations : method
                        .getParameterAnnotations()) {
                    System.err.println("  Param " + (i++) + " has "
                            + paramAnnotations.length + " annotations");
                    for (Annotation annotation : paramAnnotations) {
                        System.err.println("   Annotation "
                                + annotation.toString());

    static Object javassistProxy(IProxyMe in) throws Exception {
        ProxyFactory pf = new ProxyFactory();
        Class c = pf.createClass();
        return c.newInstance();

    static Object cglibProxy(IProxyMe in) throws Exception {
        Object p2 = Enhancer.create(in.getClass(), in.getClass()
                .getInterfaces(), new MethodInterceptor() {
            public Object intercept(Object arg0, Method arg1, Object[] arg2,
                    MethodProxy arg3) throws Throwable {
                return arg3.invokeSuper(arg0, arg2);
        return p2;


    static Object jdkProxy(final IProxyMe in) throws Exception {
        return java.lang.reflect.Proxy.newProxyInstance(in.getClass()
                .getClassLoader(), in.getClass().getInterfaces(),
                new InvocationHandler() {
                    public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method,
                            Object[] args) throws Throwable {
                        return method.invoke(in, args);

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        IProxyMe proxyMe = new ProxyMe();
        dumpAnnotations("no", proxyMe, proxyMe, "aMethod");
        dumpAnnotations("javassist", javassistProxy(proxyMe), proxyMe,
        dumpAnnotations("cglib", cglibProxy(proxyMe), proxyMe, "aMethod");

        dumpAnnotations("jdk", jdkProxy(proxyMe), proxyMe, "aMethod");


  参数 0 有 1 个注释
   注释 @ProxyTester.TestAnnotation()
类的 javassist 代理:ProxyTester$ProxyMe
  参数 0 有 0 个注释
类的 cglib 代理:ProxyTester$ProxyMe
  参数 0 有 0 个注释
类的 jdk 代理:ProxyTester$ProxyMe
  参数 0 有 0 个注释



3 回答 3



import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.PARAMETER;
import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

import javassist.util.proxy.MethodHandler;
import javassist.util.proxy.ProxyFactory;
import net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer;
import net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodInterceptor;
import net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy;

public class ProxyTester
    @Target({ PARAMETER })
    public static @interface TestAnnotation {}

    public static interface IProxyMe {
        void aMethod(@TestAnnotation int param);

    public static class ProxyMe implements IProxyMe {
        public void aMethod(@TestAnnotation int param) {
            System.out.println("Invoked " + param);

    static void dumpAnnotations(String type, Object proxy, Object forObject, String forMethod)
        String className = forObject.getClass().getName();
        System.out.println(type + " proxy for Class: " + className);

        for(Method method : proxy.getClass().getMethods()) {
            if(method.getName().equals(forMethod)) {

    static void printAnnotations(Method method)
        int paramCount = method.getParameterTypes().length;
        System.out.println("Method: " + method.getName() + " has "  + paramCount + " parameters");

        for(Annotation[] paramAnnotations : method.getParameterAnnotations())
            System.out.println("Annotations: " + paramAnnotations.length);

            for(Annotation annotation : paramAnnotations)
                System.out.println("   Annotation " + annotation.toString());

    static Object javassistProxy(IProxyMe in) throws Exception
        ProxyFactory pf = new ProxyFactory();

        MethodHandler handler = new MethodHandler()
                public Object invoke(Object self, Method thisMethod, Method proceed, Object[] args) throws Throwable

                    return proceed.invoke(self, args);
        return pf.create(new Class<?>[0], new Object[0], handler);

    static Object cglibProxy(IProxyMe in) throws Exception
        Object p2 = Enhancer.create(in.getClass(), in.getClass().getInterfaces(),
            new MethodInterceptor()
                public Object intercept(Object arg0, Method arg1, Object[] arg2, MethodProxy arg3) throws Throwable
                    return arg3.invokeSuper(arg0, arg2);

        return p2;

    static Object jdkProxy(final IProxyMe in) throws Exception
        return java.lang.reflect.Proxy.newProxyInstance(in.getClass().getClassLoader(), in.getClass().getInterfaces(),
            new InvocationHandler()
                public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable
                    return method.invoke(in, args);

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        IProxyMe proxyMe = new ProxyMe();
        IProxyMe x = (IProxyMe) javassistProxy(proxyMe);
        IProxyMe y = (IProxyMe) cglibProxy(proxyMe);
        IProxyMe z = (IProxyMe) jdkProxy(proxyMe);

        dumpAnnotations("no", proxyMe, IProxyMe.class, "aMethod");
        dumpAnnotations("javassist", x, IProxyMe.class, "aMethod");
        dumpAnnotations("cglib", y, IProxyMe.class, "aMethod");
        dumpAnnotations("jdk", z, IProxyMe.class, "aMethod");

        System.out.println("<<<<< ---- Invoking methods ----- >>>>>");
于 2012-09-21T21:26:02.267 回答

CGLib Enhancer technically is just extending from your Class. I do not know if this is feasible for you (number of objects) but how about exposing an interface instead of the class?

Object p2 = Enhancer.create(resource.getClass(),
    new Class[] { IResource.class },
    new MethodInterceptor() {
      public Object intercept(Object arg0, Method arg1, Object[] arg2, MethodProxy arg3)
          throws Throwable {
            return arg3.invokeSuper(arg0, arg2);

Remove the annotations from the enhanced class and put them into the interface. Validate then against the interface. This might be a lot of boiler-plate interfaces for many such resources, but still seams a lot better than mapping everything to form backing objects or DTOs.

于 2011-08-04T18:56:08.620 回答

我从未使用过 cglib,但是我知道使用 Javassist,您可以使用调用处理程序来获取类的实例,然后有各种方法可以在不更改其注释的情况下定位某些内容。我最喜欢的方法之一是挂钩到不在该类内部但调用它的方法,然后当它调用该类内部的方法时,它可以更改字节码级别,或者使用稍慢但人类可读的高级别 api 进行调整。

这是我生活中的一些运行代码的片段,这些代码已经运行了 2 年以上,没有任何问题。这是使用 javassist。

ClassPool myPool = new ClassPool(ClassPool.getDefault());
                    CtClass ctTHIS = myPool.get(this.getClass().getName());
                    ctCreature.addMethod(CtNewMethod.copy(ctTHIS.getDeclaredMethod("checkCoinBounty"), ctCreature, null));
                    ctCreature.getDeclaredMethod("modifyFightSkill").instrument(new ExprEditor() {
                        public void edit(MethodCall m)
                                throws CannotCompileException {
                            if (m.getClassName().equals("com.wurmonline.server.players.Player")
                                    && m.getMethodName().equals("checkCoinAward")) {
                                String debugString = "";
                                if (bDebug)
                                    debugString = "java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(\"org.gotti.wurmunlimited.mods.bountymod.BountyMod"
                                            + "\").log(java.util.logging.Level.INFO, \"Overriding checkCoinAward to checkCoinBounty\");\n";
                                m.replace(debugString + "$_ = checkCoinBounty(player);");

它获取默认的类池。然后为我们想要从中获取方法的静态类添加完成。但是,该方法不在最终类中,而是在我们在运行时注入原始 jar 的 mod 类中。然后它在该类中获取一个方法。然后它获取与我们从 myPool 获得的单个类实例相关联的每个类的所有整个 classPool。为什么要这样做,限制我们搞砸或可能搞砸的程度,在代码生成期间占用一点内存。

然后它向 ctCreature 添加了一个新方法,这是我们之前在变量中启动的一个类,对此感到抱歉。该方法是在这个类中创建的,然后复制到另一个我们想要使用它的类中。然后它挂钩到 modifyFightSkill 的声明方法,在这种情况下,当我们想要调用我们的代码时,它就发生了。所以当它触发时,我们启动一个新的表达式编辑器。


一旦发生这种情况并使用 ifs 和 goodies 进行验证,该方法就会用我们通过 replace 的新方法替换原始方法。取出旧的,放入新的。包含类中的所有注释都保持不变,因为我们从侧面偷偷地进来了。


这个答案可能有点长,但 InvokationHandler 一开始可能有点难以掌握。

于 2017-08-05T19:12:03.263 回答