data <- rnorm(1000, 0.01, 1.01) # sampled from original distribution N(0.01, 1.01^2)
fit_and_draw_sample <- function(data, nsamples, distr='norm') {
if (distr == 'norm') {
fitg <- fitdist(data, distr)
params <- fitg$estimate
print(params) # fitted distribution N(0.0398281, 0.9876068^2) with estimated params
# mean sd
# 0.0398281 0.9876068
mu <- params[1]
sigma <- params[2]
return (rnorm(nsamples, mu, sigma))
# handle other distributions here
return (NULL)
samples <- fit_and_draw_sample(data, 1000)
hist(data, col=scales::alpha('blue',.2), border=FALSE, main='samples from original and fitted distribution')
hist(samples, col=scales::alpha('red',.2), add=TRUE, border=FALSE)
legend('topright', c("original", "fitted"), col = c(rgb(0,0,1,0.2), rgb(1,0,0,0.2)), lwd=c(2,2))