尝试onlyChannels="print"从 XML 中删除所有具有属性的元素 使用 XQuery 具有的元素onlyChannels="print"可以在任何地方和不同级别。

输入 XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <abstract type="main" xml:lang="en">
      <title type="main">Abstract</title>
      <p>900 000 ha along the test of north</p>
      <p onlyChannels="print">Abstract</p>
   <abstract onlyChannels="online" type="main" xml:lang="es">
      <title type="main">Resumen</title>
      <p>La orsdft de los trópifdaa</p>
   <full type="main" xml:lang="en">
      <p onlyChannels="print">full</p>
      <p>900 000 ha along the test of north‐east</p>
      <p onlyChannels="print"> do not print</p>
      <p> print </p>

预期输出 XML

   <abstract type="main" xml:lang="en">
      <title type="main">Abstract</title>
      <p>900 000 ha along the test of north</p>
   <abstract onlyChannels="online" type="main" xml:lang="es">
      <title type="main">Resumen</title>
      <p>La orsdft de los trópifdaa</p>
   <full type="main" xml:lang="en">
      <p>900 000 ha along the test of north‐east</p>
      <p> print </p>

我正在尝试这个 XQuery,但它只删除第一级的元素并且没有 XML 标记。

let $root:=  abstractGroup/*/*[not(self::*/@onlyChannels="print")]
return $root


900 000 ha along the test of north 
La orsdft de los trópifdaa
900 000 ha along the test of north‐east

   do not print

我如何打印 xml 标签并删除属性 onlyChannels="print" 的所有元素


1 回答 1


您可以通过递归类型切换函数运行它来转换 XML:

declare function local:filter($nodes as node()*) as node()*
  for $n in $nodes return
  typeswitch ($n)
    case element () return 
      if ($n[@onlyChannels="print"]) 
      then local:filter($n/node()) 
      else element { node-name($n) } { $n/@*, local:filter($n/node())}
    default return $n

let $doc :=
   <abstract type="main" xml:lang="en">
      <title type="main">Abstract</title>
      <p>900 000 ha along the test of north</p>
      <p onlyChannels="print">Abstract</p>
   <abstract onlyChannels="online" type="main" xml:lang="es">
      <title type="main">Resumen</title>
      <p>La orsdft de los trópifdaa</p>
   <full type="main" xml:lang="en">
      <p onlyChannels="print">full</p>
      <p>900 000 ha along the test of north‐east</p>
      <p onlyChannels="print"> do not print</p>
      <p> print </p>

return local:filter($doc)
于 2021-10-05T17:01:56.017 回答