I do as the Facebook Developers website, below are my codes,
fbPermissions = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
@"email", @"user_birthday", @"user_hometown", @"user_location",
@"user_work_history",@"friends_hometown", @"friends_location",
@"friends_work_history", @"publish_stream", nil];
[delegate.facebook authorize:fbPermissions delegate:self];
I thought it works like this:
- If you aren't login, it shows login dialog then redirect to auth dialog (which contains Allow/Don't Allow buttons below), to need some permissions. The auth dialog may like this.
- If you are login, it skips login dialog and shows auth dialog.
but my problem is It doesn't show the auth dialog to need some permissions. Why? please help me if you knows. thank you.
PS. My English is poor so I doubt if you are clear about my question.