我目前有两个函数 pushNodes(node) 和 updateNodes(node)。在 pushNodes 函数中,我通过要在 updateNodes 中使用的通道推送值。为了保存准确的通道值,我需要在启动 updateNodes() 之前完成所有 pushNodes goroutines。在 GoRoutines 执行完成后,我怎样才能访问通道值?
我不断收到“致命错误:所有 goroutine 都在睡觉 - 死锁!”。请让我知道如何从频道中获取这些值。有没有更好/替代的方法来做到这一点?
//pushNodes is a function that will push the nodes values
func pushNodes(node Node) {
defer wg.Done()
fmt.Printf("Pushing: %d \n", node.number)
//Choose a random peer node
var randomnode int = rand.Intn(totalnodes)
for randomnode == node.number {
randomnode = rand.Intn(totalnodes)
//If the current node is infected, send values through the channel
if node.infected {
sentchanneldata := ChannelData{infected: true, message: node.message}
allnodes[randomnode].channel <- sentchanneldata
fmt.Printf("Node %d sent a value of %t and %s to node %d!\n", node.number, sentchanneldata.infected, sentchanneldata.message, allnodes[randomnode].number)
//updateNodes is a function that will update the nodes values
func updateNodes(node Node) {
defer wg.Done()
fmt.Printf("Updating: %d\n", node.number)
//get value through node channel
receivedchanneldata := <-node.channel
fmt.Printf("Node %d received a value of %t and %s!\n", node.number, receivedchanneldata.infected, receivedchanneldata.message)
// update value
if receivedchanneldata.infected == true {
node.infected = true
if receivedchanneldata.message != "" {
node.message = receivedchanneldata.message
fmt.Printf("Update successful!\n")
//Part of main functions
for node := range allnodes {
go pushNodes(allnodes[node])
fmt.Println("Infect function done!")
for node := range allnodes {
go updateNodes(allnodes[node])