我尝试在 BigQuery 服务器中的 5-95 分位数内进行均值、最大值、最小值和 sd 提取,但dplyr
动词不起作用,输出错误为:x Syntax error: Expected ")" but got keyword AS at [1:117] [invalidQuery]
bq_auth(email = "xxxxxxxxx@gmail.com")
bq_conn <- dbConnect(bigquery(),
project = projectid,
dataset = datasetid,
use_legacy_sql = FALSE
bigrquery::dbListTables(bq_conn) # List all the tables in BigQuery data set
#[1] "CMPC"
raw_spectra_CMPC <- dplyr::tbl(bq_conn,
"CMPC") # connects to a table
Rows: ??
Columns: 27
Database: BigQueryConnection
$ x <dbl> -52.5502, -52.5501, -52.5501, -52.5501, -52.5501, -52.5500, -52.5500, -52.5500, -52.5500, -52.5500, -5~
$ y <dbl> -30.8295, -30.8297, -30.8296, -30.8295, -30.8294, -30.8298, -30.8297, -30.8296, -30.8295, -30.8294, -3~
$ stand <chr> "ABRANJO001A", "ABRANJO001A", "ABRANJO001A", "ABRANJO001A", "ABRANJO001A", "ABRANJO001A", "ABRANJO001A~
$ date <chr> "2019-01-28", "2019-01-28", "2019-01-28", "2019-01-28", "2019-01-28", "2019-01-28", "2019-01-28", "201~
$ B2 <dbl> 213, 205, 181, 207, 216, 205, 165, 161, 173, 182, 181, 259, 227, 190, 153, 147, 160, 164, 194, 210, 18~
$ B3 <dbl> 361.0, 362.0, 346.0, 352.0, 369.0, 330.0, 290.0, 326.0, 334.0, 332.0, 325.0, 375.0, 352.0, 307.0, 281.~
$ B4 <dbl> 227.0, 233.0, 198.0, 207.0, 209.0, 227.0, 178.0, 164.0, 180.0, 207.0, 209.0, 267.0, 269.0, 194.0, 163.~
$ B8 <dbl> 3033.0, 3307.0, 3322.0, 3232.0, 3241.0, 3065.0, 3306.0, 3422.0, 3427.0, 3392.0, 3165.0, 3206.0, 2984.0~
$ NDVI <dbl> 0.86074, 0.86836, 0.88750, 0.87962, 0.87884, 0.86209, 0.89782, 0.90853, 0.90019, 0.88497, 0.87611, 0.8~
$ SAVI <dbl> 4549.379, 4960.386, 4982.905, 4847.897, 4861.397, 4597.380, 4958.915, 5132.925, 5140.417, 5087.903, 47~
$ SIPI <dbl> 1.00499, 1.00911, 1.00544, 1.00000, 0.99769, 1.00775, 1.00416, 1.00092, 1.00216, 1.00785, 1.00947, 1.0~
$ SR <dbl> 13.36123, 14.19313, 16.77778, 15.61353, 15.50718, 13.50220, 18.57303, 20.86585, 19.03889, 16.38647, 15~
$ RGI <dbl> 0.62881, 0.64365, 0.57225, 0.58807, 0.56640, 0.68788, 0.61379, 0.50307, 0.53892, 0.62349, 0.64308, 0.7~
$ TVI <int> 173720, 189600, 193360, 187300, 188320, 174400, 192160, 201960, 200980, 196100, 182000, 180660, 166220~
$ MSR <dbl> 3.65530, 3.76738, 4.09607, 3.95140, 3.93792, 3.67453, 4.30964, 4.56792, 4.36336, 4.04802, 3.89147, 3.4~
$ PRI <dbl> -0.25784, -0.27690, -0.31309, -0.25939, -0.26154, -0.23364, -0.27473, -0.33881, -0.31755, -0.29183, -0~
$ GNDVI <dbl> 0.78727, 0.80267, 0.81134, 0.80357, 0.79557, 0.80560, 0.83871, 0.82604, 0.82239, 0.82170, 0.81375, 0.7~
$ PSRI <dbl> -0.04418, -0.03901, -0.04455, -0.04486, -0.04937, -0.03361, -0.03388, -0.04734, -0.04494, -0.03685, -0~
$ GCI <dbl> 7.40166, 8.13536, 8.60116, 8.18182, 7.78320, 8.28788, 10.40000, 9.49693, 9.26048, 9.21687, 8.73846, 7.~
$ ID_PROJETO <int> 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 24~
$ CD_TALHAO <chr> "001A", "001A", "001A", "001A", "001A", "001A", "001A", "001A", "001A", "001A", "001A", "001A", "001A"~
$ DATA_PLANT <chr> "2008-07-15", "2008-07-15", "2008-07-15", "2008-07-15", "2008-07-15", "2008-07-15", "2008-07-15", "200~
$ ESPAC <chr> "3.5x2.14", "3.5x2.14", "3.5x2.14", "3.5x2.14", "3.5x2.14", "3.5x2.14", "3.5x2.14", "3.5x2.14", "3.5x2~
$ AGE_1 <dbl> 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, ~
$ AGE <int> 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11~
quantis <- function(x) x > quantile(x, 0.05) & x < quantile(x, 0.95)
data_Q95 <- raw_spectra_CMPC %>%
filter (across(B2:GCI, .fns = quantis)) %>%
group_by(AGE, ESPAC) %>%
summarise(across(B2:GCI, list(mean = ~mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE), max = ~ max(.x, na.rm = TRUE), min = ~ min(.x, na.rm = TRUE), sd = ~ sd(.x, na.rm = TRUE))))
# <error/rlang_error>
# Job 'fc-vm-v1.job_41KNdnsYP_gws6avquMVeqjOC6_V.US' failed
# x Syntax error: Expected ")" but got keyword AS at [1:117] [invalidQuery]
# Backtrace:
# 1. (function (x, ...) ...
# 2. dbplyr:::print.tbl_sql(x)
# 7. pillar:::format.tbl(x, ..., n = n, width = width, n_extra = n_extra)
# 8. pillar:::format_tbl(...)
# 9. pillar::tbl_format_setup(...)
# 11. pillar:::tbl_format_setup.tbl(...)
# 12. pillar:::df_head(x, n + 1)
# 14. dbplyr:::as.data.frame.tbl_sql(head(x, n))
# 17. bigrquery:::collect.tbl_BigQueryConnection(x, n = n)
# 18. bigrquery::bq_dataset_query(...)
# 19. bigrquery::bq_job_wait(job, quiet = quiet)
# Run `rlang::last_trace()` to see the full context.
请问,有什么帮助我进行这些提取的好方法吗?是否也需要使用 SQL 查询?在导出到 BigQuery 之前,我在 *csv 文件中使用我的函数进行了一些测试,效果很好:
raw_spectra_CMPC_csv <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Leprechault/trash/main/my_ds_CSV.csv")
quantis <- function(x) x > quantile(x, 0.05) & x < quantile(x, 0.95)
data_Q95 <- raw_spectra_CMPC_csv %>%
filter (across(B2:GCI, .fns = quantis)) %>%
group_by(AGE, ESPAC) %>%
summarise(across(B2:GCI, list(mean = ~mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE), max = ~ max(.x, na.rm = TRUE), min = ~ min(.x, na.rm = TRUE), sd = ~ sd(.x, na.rm = TRUE))))
# # A tibble: 7 x 62
# # Groups: AGE [7]
# AGE ESPAC B2_mean B2_max B2_min B2_sd B3_mean B3_max B3_min B3_sd B4_mean B4_max B4_min B4_sd B8_mean B8_max B8_min
# <int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 -2 4X1.85 125. 175 75 14.2 236. 312 199 18.6 129. 345 108. 12.6 3590. 4052 2189
# 2 -1 4X1.85 153. 300 67 34.0 282. 436 198. 34.3 166. 379 108. 30.7 3346. 4059 2208
# 3 0 4X1.85 419. 928. 71 274. 610. 1208 199 328. 730. 1668 109 535. 2933. 4069 2095
# 4 1 4X1.85 344. 683 129 83.4 510. 944 286 97.0 544. 1180 256 129. 2871. 3451 2115
# 5 11 3.5x2.14 137. 259 70 29.8 276. 467 199 38.4 160. 361 109 26.4 3665. 4069 2688
# 6 12 3.5x2.14 150. 298 67.5 23.6 267. 485 200 32.1 169. 421 109 26.2 3354. 4067 2293
# 7 13 3.5x2.14 130. 302 70 35.3 247. 482 200 30.0 144. 465 111 29.7 3833. 4069 3116
# # ... with 45 more variables: B8_sd <dbl>, NDVI_mean <dbl>, NDVI_max <dbl>, NDVI_min <dbl>, NDVI_sd <dbl>,
# # SAVI_mean <dbl>, SAVI_max <dbl>, SAVI_min <dbl>, SAVI_sd <dbl>, SIPI_mean <dbl>, SIPI_max <dbl>, SIPI_min <dbl>,
# # SIPI_sd <dbl>, SR_mean <dbl>, SR_max <dbl>, SR_min <dbl>, SR_sd <dbl>, RGI_mean <dbl>, RGI_max <dbl>, RGI_min <dbl>,
# # RGI_sd <dbl>, TVI_mean <dbl>, TVI_max <dbl>, TVI_min <dbl>, TVI_sd <dbl>, MSR_mean <dbl>, MSR_max <dbl>,
# # MSR_min <dbl>, MSR_sd <dbl>, PRI_mean <dbl>, PRI_max <dbl>, PRI_min <dbl>, PRI_sd <dbl>, GNDVI_mean <dbl>,
# # GNDVI_max <dbl>, GNDVI_min <dbl>, GNDVI_sd <dbl>, PSRI_mean <dbl>, PSRI_max <dbl>, PSRI_min <dbl>, PSRI_sd <dbl>,