
Does WCF make your life easier or harder? Do you think it's beautiful in nature or should you avoid its ugliness like the plague?

  • I like the idea of supporting REST + SOAP interfaces with simple binding configurations (ala webHttpEndpoint / basicHttpBinding). I do miss the ASMX days, but SVC seems like it's here to stay.

  • WCF + MVC are also great combination to build host factories and custom service routing (ala ServiceHostFactory / WebServiceHostFactory).

What are your likes / dislikes?


1 回答 1


WCF 让生活更轻松:

  • 将服务(实现)与所有与绑定相关的东西解耦——你只需编写服务来实现合同,仅此而已——不需要知道将使用哪个绑定/协议

  • 配置系统的极大灵活性,混合+匹配您的绑定/协议需求的能力

  • 通过提供大量挂钩和点来扩展和修改 WCF,实现了极大的可扩展性;如果您不喜欢默认行为。你可以创建行为、绑定、过滤器——你可以命名它。

于 2011-08-03T20:16:14.983 回答