i've got some questions regarding outlier rules in JFreeChart:

  1. Is it possible to influence the outlier rules in a JFreeChart Boxplot?
  2. I would assume that the default setting for outliers is Q3+1.5*IQR and Q1-1.5*IQR?
  3. Is there a default rule for extreme values like Q3+3*IQR and Q1-3*IQR?

  4. Maybe this should be a separate Question but how do you set the symbol for outliers? The default setting is a circle which is too big for my preference.

My data is in a DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset and i am not even sure if i need to change any of the default settings. Nevertheless it would be nice to know what exactly the default settings are ;)


2 回答 2


使用来源,卢克。DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset计算异常值,并相应地 BoxAndWhiskerRenderer绘制它们。单击任一类名链接以查看 代码

于 2011-08-04T01:30:24.947 回答

计算这些值的实际位置是在BoxAndWhiskerCalculator 类中的BoxAndWhiskerCalculator函数中。

本质上,异常值是“常规范围”之外的值,定义为下侧 Q1-2*IQR 和 Q1-1.5*IQR 之间以及 Q3+1.5*IQR 和 Q3+2* 之间的值定义的最大范围上侧的 IQR。

极值的极值范围低于 Q1-2*IQR 或高于 Q3+2*IQR。



于 2013-08-14T09:35:34.767 回答