I want to sync my project source between the computer in my workplace and the computer at home. So I don't have to copy all the source file just because I changed one file or two.

So I use Git. My computer's OS is Windows XP. i have installed Git-1.7.4-preview20110204.exe TortoiseGit-

I created a source repository in my USB hard disk, and my work dir is in my computer hard disk. seems goes well. but when i want to safely remove the USB hard disk, windows warns me the USB disk is in used,can't be removed. i end the process "TGitCache.exe", problem is still there.

how can i remove the USB hard disk safely with my Git source repository in there???

Thank you very very... much!


1 回答 1


这是 TortioseGit 的问题,而不是 git 本身的问题。转到 TortoiseGit 设置 -> 图标覆盖并从路径中排除您的 U 盘。

此过程会主动监视您的文件系统以检测将哪些覆盖图标放置在何处。最复杂的任务是当您更改一些深度嵌套的文件并希望在每个文件夹上看到“已更改”图标 - 从根目录到最嵌套的文件夹。

还有很多抱怨说这个过程可能会使用许多资源,如 CPU 电源或主动访问磁盘。因此,我总是通过设置 Status cache = None 选项来关闭它。因此,我实际上失去了这些图标的用处,但无论如何我都在使用控制台,所以对我来说并不多。

于 2011-08-03T17:01:59.453 回答