My company uses a 3 tiered system for our web application:

  1. Front end - client layer
  2. Middle layer (composes requests, provides validation and authentication) - accessible by the front end
  3. Backend (where all the database requests are made) - not accessible by the front end

In addition we have a SOA architecture which separates parts of our application. For example, the accounts API is completely separate from the Ads API (which is my primary focus). This means that I don't have a User model available to me in the backend API.

Is it possible to explicitly provide a "user_id" to Revisionable instead of relying on some sort of foreign key or implicitly retrieved user id?

The idea would be that a request to retrieve history for an edited record would simply return the provided user_id. We would then merge that with a request against our Accounts API to determine who the actual user was.

We're using Lumen 8.x for middle and back end layers.


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