我正在尝试使用aiortcpython 包实现 p2p 聊天。我在客户端和服务器中有以下代码。

async def run_server(sname, oname):
    signalling = HTTPLongPollSignalling(sname, oname)
    pc = RTCPeerConnection()
    chat = pc.createDataChannel("chat")
    print("Creating channel", chat.label, "id:", chat.id)
    pch = pc.createDataChannel("ping")
    print("Creating channel", pch.label, "id:", pch.id)

    print("Waiting for client")

    async def send_pings():
        while True:
            channel_send(pch, "ping %d" % current_stamp())
            await asyncio.sleep(20)

    def on_open():
        print("channel ping opened")
        asyncio.ensure_future(send_pings())    #Comment this

    def on_message(message):
        print(pch.label, "(ping) <", message)

        if isinstance(message, str) and message.startswith("pong"):
            elapsed_ms = (current_stamp() - int(message[5:])) / 1000
            print(" RTT %.2f ms" % elapsed_ms)

    def on_chat_connect():
        # Set channel.send as sendCb in UI
        ui.setSendCb(lambda msg: (
            print("calling send on ch", chat.label, "id:", chat.id, "with", repr(msg)),
        ui.postJob('append_msg', ("system", "Channel established: Chat"))
        chat.send("Channel established: Chat")

    def on_chat_msg(msg):
        print(chat.label, chat.id, ">", msg)
        ui.postJob('append_msg', (oname, msg))
        print(chat.label, "msg added")

    await pc.setLocalDescription(await pc.createOffer())
    # Share offer to other end
    # recv answer from other end
    await pc.setRemoteDescription(answer)

    while True:
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

async def run_client(sname, oname):
    signalling = HTTPLongPollSignalling(sname, oname)
    pc = RTCPeerConnection()

    def on_datachannel(channel):
        print(channel.label, "with id", channel.id, "-", "created by remote party")

        if channel.label == 'ping':
            def on_message(message):
                print(channel.label, "<", message)

                if isinstance(message, str) and message.startswith("ping"):
                    # reply
                    channel_send(channel, "pong" + message[4:])
        elif channel.label == 'chat':
            print ("Setting cb on channel chat")
            ui.setSendCb(lambda msg:(
                print("calling send on ch", chat.label, "id:", chat.id, "with", repr(msg)),
            def on_chat_msg(msg):
                print(channel.label, ">", msg)
                ui.postJob("append_msg", (oname, msg))

            print("Setting cb on channel chat DONE")

    # Get offer from serve

    await pc.setRemoteDescription(offer)
    await pc.setLocalDescription(await pc.createAnswer())
    # share answer with serve

    while True:
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

在此代码中,频道 ping 正在通过频道聊天接收数据。也就是说,如果我们不在 ping 通道上发送任何内容,那么聊天通道也不会收到任何数据。例如,如果我们asyncio.ensure_future(send_pings())在打开的 ping 频道中发表评论,则永远不会调用聊天频道接收。



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