我正在考虑购买 Martin Fowler 的“企业应用程序架构模式”。

在我看来,这似乎是一本很棒的书,一本偏向于企业 Java 的架构书——正是我所需要的。

但是,在计算机时代,它已经很老了。2003 年是很久以前的事了,从那以后事情发生了很大的变化。



9 回答 9



于 2009-03-28T05:08:13.213 回答

这本书,以及Eric Evans 关于领域驱动设计的书,都是我的年度书籍——每年 ;) ...

于 2009-04-01T14:15:30.370 回答

这是非常相关的。我经常向其他开发人员介绍该书中的特定模式,例如指向他的站点 ( http://www.martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/ ) 的链接,例如数据传输对象服务层

后者是我认为我“发明”的一个,直到我看到 Fowler 已经写过它。

于 2009-03-28T20:52:55.190 回答

Given that the answers to this question are now three years old, I felt it important to restate the relevance of Martin Fowler's patterns.

The GOF design patterns book was first published in 1994, and many of its patterns are still considered relevant. We may have come to a deeper understanding of them and produced subtle variants, but they are there as the foundation of any good OO design.

Modern languages increasingly implement some of the patterns behind the scenes so that the developer in theory doesn't have to know about them (an example is the Iterator pattern through the yield statement in C#). But, the developer is a better one for knowing them.

Moving on the Martin's book - this absolutely is still relevant. Its true that many libraries now support these patterns in the background, once again abstracting them away from the developer, but again they are at the core of enterprise application software development.

They solve problems that occurr again and again, regardless of language, system, or platform.

于 2012-11-09T15:53:26.853 回答

我不同意“偏向 Java”的说法。就其本质而言,模式与语言无关。它们被定义为常见问题的解决方案。Fowler 的书有 Java 和 C# 的示例,所以我看不出“偏见”来自哪里。它们是最常见的面向对象语言,他正在谈论企业问题的面向对象解决方案。

GoF 书中有 Smalltalk 和 C++ 的示例。为什么他们对 Java 和 C# 如此“有偏见”?提示:写这本书时语言并不存在,但模式与以往一样相关。

于 2009-03-28T15:17:48.537 回答

目前是我大学 信息系统设计原理课程使用的教材。

于 2009-03-28T20:56:50.657 回答


The book is a classic. I've just been re-reading it to help with some work on event-driven accounting systems.

Fowler has been revisiting some of the patterns since and you can see his works in progress.

于 2009-08-25T06:40:28.300 回答

Very relevant, and certainly not chained to one language. Witness the upcoming Rails move to Merb, in a very real sense a move from one pattern in POEAA (ActiveRecord) to another (DataMapper).

Many other concepts, from ORM strategies to session management, are both relevant and language-agnostic. I'm still floored when I read this how vast Fowler's influence is. He didn't invent all of the concepts here, but he certainly codified and put names to these ideas in such an concise and accessible way as to make them common parlance across the industry. Still essential.

于 2009-12-10T19:48:34.733 回答


于 2009-04-18T11:54:59.780 回答