I am using Netbeans 6.9.1, glassfish 3.1, and MySQL as my DB.

I have a List <Hotel> object, that saves all the records from the Hotel Table (from MySQL) into it.

There is another object called List <HotelVacancy>, which too reads from the HotelVacancy Table from MySQL and stores the records in it.

Now what i want to do is, to get some Columns from the Hotel table and HotelVacancy table and save it in a List <??????> object (i have put ???? in the list as i am not sure what its type should be). What should be the type here ? and How do i write an SQL for this ?

I would try creating your own class containing the columns from HotelVacancy and Hotel that you want to use and using that for the type of List<?????>.


2 回答 2


I don't know what exactly you are trying to achieve, but this looks like a simple 1:n relation.

If that's the case, a hotel has multiple vacancies, so the HotelVacancy class then holds an instance to Hotel.

your list would then contain HotelVacancies you can get the Hotel instance then via a getter (getHotel() or something like that).

It will be a bit tricky to build such an object model just from acessing the database, that's why you would usually use a orm (object relational mapping) framework.

Common frameworks for java are: hibernate, eclipselink, or JPA

I'm sure Google will give you quite a few tutorials with these hints

于 2011-08-02T22:14:29.587 回答

我会尝试创建您自己的类,其中包含您要使用的 HotelVacancy 和 Hotel 中的列,并将其用于List<?????>.

于 2011-08-02T22:03:55.630 回答