. 我的工作流程如下:
在使用随机数据(我实际使用的数据显然不是随机的)创建数据框后,我将数据离散化,结构学习有向无环图(DAG),将数据拟合到 DAG,然后绘制 DAG。我还绘制了一个 DAG,它显示了每个节点的后验概率。
#rm(list = ls())
# Generating random dataframe
data_clean <- data.frame(a = runif(min = 0, max = 100, n = 1000),
b = runif(min = 0, max = 100, n = 1000),
c = runif(min = 0, max = 100, n = 1000),
d = runif(min = 0, max = 100, n = 1000),
e = runif(min = 0, max = 100, n = 1000))
# Discretising the data into 3 bins
bins <- 3
data_discrete <- discretize(data_clean, breaks = bins)
# Creating factors for each bin in the data
lv <- c("low", "med", "high")
for (i in names(data_discrete)){
levels(data_discrete[, i]) = lv
# Structure learning the DAG from the training set
whitelist <- matrix(c("a", "b",
"b", "c",
"c", "e",
"a", "d",
"d", "e"),
ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(NULL, c("from", "to")))
bn.hc <- hc(data_discrete, whitelist = whitelist)
# Plotting the DAG
dag.hc <- graphviz.plot(bn.hc,
layout = "dot")
# Fitting the data to the structure
fitted <- bn.fit(bn.hc, data = data_discrete, method = "bayes")
# Plotting the DAG with posteriors
graphviz.chart(fitted, type = "barprob", layout = "dot")
,然后绘制一个 DAG,显示实例化节点和响应变量的更新后验概率e
# Manually instantiating
fitted_evidence <- fitted
cpt.a = matrix(c(1, 0, 0), ncol = 3, dimnames = list(NULL, lv))
cpt.c = c(1, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 1)
dim(cpt.c) <- c(3, 3)
dimnames(cpt.c) <- list("c" = lv, "b" = lv)
cpt.b = c(1, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 1)
dim(cpt.b) <- c(3, 3)
dimnames(cpt.b) <- list("b" = lv, "a" = lv)
cpt.d = c(0, 0, 1,
0, 1, 0,
1, 0, 0)
dim(cpt.d) <- c(3, 3)
dimnames(cpt.d) <- list("d" = lv, "a" = lv)
fitted_evidence$a <- cpt.a
fitted_evidence$b <- cpt.b
fitted_evidence$c <- cpt.c
fitted_evidence$d <- cpt.d
# Plotting the DAG with instantiation and posterior for response
graphviz.chart(fitted_evidence, type = "barprob", layout = "dot")
这是我得到的结果,但我的实际 BN 更大,弧线更多,手动更改bn.fit
手动更改对象的情况下通过实例化绘制 DAG?是否有我缺少的解决方法或功能?
我想/希望我已经彻底阅读了 bnlearn 的文档。我感谢任何反馈,如果我没有足够清楚地表达我的想法,我很乐意改变问题中的任何内容。