I am building a reactJs UI application. I am able to successfully login via keycloak redirection by using keycloak.json from keycloak client installation section. this redirection is working fine. no issues with that.

However, this approach does change the browser URL from "" to -> "".

  • I dont want users to see the redirection in the browser URL.
  • I am looking for a solution/configuration where users SHOULD NOT see the change in the browser URL, and still see the keycloak login page on the "". is it can be acheieve by SAML client instead of openid-connect? if yes, then what could be the configuration for SAML with my react UI application.
  • I The reason for this is that: we dont want to open firewall for Keycloak from all IPs/browsers. Our VM architecuture is like that Keycloak port can only be accessible internal only.

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