I have a 2D color-map plot created with imagesc and want to export it as a .eps file using print -depsc.

The problem is that the "original" image data is from a rather small matrix (131 x 131). When I view the image in the matlab figure window, I can see all the individual pixels if I zoom a bit closer.

When I export to eps, however, there seems to be some interpolation or anti-aliasing going on, in that neighboring pixels get blurred/blended into each other. I don't get the problem if I export a high-resolution tiff, but that format is not an option (as demanded by a publisher).

How can I obtain an eps that preserves the pixely structure of my image without applying interpolation or anti-aliasing?


2 回答 2


模糊实际上取决于您的查看器应用程序或打印机使用的渲染软件。为了始终获得良好的效果,请将图像中的每个像素设置为 8x8 的相同颜色的像素块。然后,模糊只影响每个块边缘的像素。8x8 块是最好的,因为它们使用 DCT 压缩(有时在 eps 文件中使用)进行压缩而没有令人讨厌的伪影。

于 2012-01-11T15:59:41.113 回答


使用文本编辑器打开 .eps 文件,搜索“Interpolate”并将以下“true”更改为“false”。对所有插值语句重复该步骤。


在 Matlab 中使用 plot2svg 并从 Inkscape 导出到 eps 时遇到了同样的问题。

于 2014-05-15T15:24:53.353 回答