Manufacturer == sales_by_mfr$Manufacturer[index])
我创建了一个可反应的表 1,当单击行(可扩展行)时,其中有一个额外的表(表 2 - 实际上有很多表,因为它过滤)。
data <- MASS::Cars93[18:47, ] %>%
mutate(ID = as.character(18:47), Date = seq(as.Date("2019-01-01"), by = "day", length.out = 30)) %>%
select(ID, Date, Manufacturer, Model, Type, Price)
sales_by_mfr <- group_by(data, Manufacturer) %>%
summarize(Quantity = n(), Sales = sum(Price))
#part for Table 2
details = function(index) {
sales <- filter(data, Manufacturer == sales_by_mfr$Manufacturer[index]) %>% select(-Manufacturer)
tbl <- reactable(sales, outlined = TRUE, highlight = TRUE, fullWidth = FALSE)
htmltools::div(style = list(margin = "12px 45px"), tbl)
#End of Table 2
onClick = "expand",
rowStyle = list(cursor = "pointer")
我希望表 2 出现在新窗口中。IE 如果我点击制造商 ==“福特”行然后打开一个带有表 2 的窗口,同时当我点击Manufacturer == "Dodge"
行时会出现一个带有表 2 的新窗口(同时不关闭一个窗口Manufacturer == "Ford"
columns = list(
# Render a "show details" button in the last column of the table.
# This button won't do anything by itself, but will trigger the custom
# click action on the column.
details = colDef(
name = "",
sortable = FALSE,
cell = function() htmltools::tags$button("Show details")
onClick = JS("function(rowInfo, colInfo) {
// Only handle click events on the 'details' column
if ( !== 'details') {
// Display an alert dialog with details for the row
window.alert('Details for row ' + rowInfo.index + ':\\n' + JSON.stringify(rowInfo.row, null, 2))
// Send the click event to Shiny, which will be available in input$show_details
// Note that the row index starts at 0 in JavaScript, so we add 1
if (window.Shiny) {
Shiny.setInputValue('show_details', { index: rowInfo.index + 1 }, { priority: 'event' })