I'm required to draw a sequence diagram for a client server (Web app to TCP server) architectural application. I have few problems

  1. Is it fine to draw diagram to Web browser -> Server scenarios ?
  2. Can i draw diagram for the socket connection ?
  3. Can i draw sequence diagram for intermediate processes in the TCP server ?

What are the rules that i should obey?


1 回答 1


Is it fine to draw diagram to Web browser -> Server scenarios ?


Can i draw diagram for the socket connection ?

Do you mean "can the socket have a lifeline in my sequence diagram"? Yes, it can. Sequence diagrams describe verbs by capturing interactions by objects. You can describe how to create a socket connection in one of them, because "create" is a verb. The connection itself will be one of the participants.

Can i draw sequence diagram for intermediate processes in the TCP server ?

Maybe. Which ones? Why?

You sound like you keep asking permission. You can do anything you like. Whether it's useful is still to be determined.

What are the rules that i obey on ?

There are no rules, except those built into the diagram. There are no UML police that will come to get you for breaking imaginary rules.

于 2011-08-02T09:41:45.800 回答