好的,我在我的 php 项目中使用 Illuminate,最近从 PHP 5 升级到 PHP 7.2。
public function scopeWhereInOrAny(Builder $query, $field, $value)
if ($value === null || $value === '' || count($value) === 0) {
return $query;
return $query->whereIn($field, $value);
使用 whereIn 时接受 null 的非常简单的范围。现在我在一个函数中使用它
public function getList($params = []) {
$cancelReasons = CancellationReasons
::orderBy('id', 'asc')
->whereInOrAny('type_booking', $params['type_booking']) // HERE
->where('status', '=', 1)
return $cancelReasons;
[{"id":1,"name":"He cancelado mi viaje","type_client":1},{"id":2,"name":"Quiero hacer otra actividad","type_client":1},{"id":3,"name":"Quiero modificar la reserva","type_client":1},{"id":4,"name":"He encontrado un precio m\u00e1s barato en otra web","type_client":1},{"id":5,"name":"El proveedor me ha pedido que cancele","type_client":1},{"id":6,"name":"Otros motivos","type_client":1},{"id":7,"name":"Condiciones climatol\u00f3gicas","type_client":2},{"id":8,"name":"Problemas en el destino","type_client":2},{"id":9,"name":"No hay un n\u00famero m\u00ednimo de personas","type_client":2},{"id":10,"name":"Falta de disponibilidad","type_client":2},{"id":11,"name":"Restricciones Covid","type_client":2},{"id":12,"name":"Cancelaci\u00f3n solicitada por el cliente","type_client":2},{"id":13,"name":"Otros motivos","type_client":2},{"id":14,"name":"Cese de la colaboraci\u00f3n con el proveedor","type_client":3},{"id":15,"name":"El proveedor no realiz\u00f3 la actividad","type_client":3},{"id":16,"name":"Otros motivos","type_client":3}]<br />
<b>Warning</b>: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in <b>/var/www/html/newadmin/vendor7/illuminate/database/Eloquent/Builder.php</b> on line <b>1015</b><br />
现在调试我发现问题出在 Builder.php
* Apply the given scope on the current builder instance.
* @param callable $scope
* @param array $parameters
* @return mixed
protected function callScope(callable $scope, $parameters = [])
array_unshift($parameters, $this);
$query = $this->getQuery();
// We will keep track of how many wheres are on the query before running the
// scope so that we can properly group the added scope constraints in the
// query as their own isolated nested where statement and avoid issues.
$originalWhereCount = count($query->wheres); // HERE IS THE PROBLEM
$result = $scope(...array_values($parameters)) ?: $this;
if (count($query->wheres) > $originalWhereCount) {
$this->addNewWheresWithinGroup($query, $originalWhereCount);
return $result;
Aparently $query->wheres 在这种情况下等于 null,而在 php 7.2 中,当在 null 上使用 count 时会引发警告,现在为什么 $query->wheres 等于 null?因为在自定义范围之前没有其他地方所以如果我将地方的顺序更改为
public function getList($params = []) {
$cancelReasons = CancellationReasons
::orderBy('id', 'asc')
->where('status', '=', 1) //This where before the scope
->whereInOrAny('type_booking', $params['type_booking'])
return $cancelReasons;