Am trying to run a bootstrap file at EMR to installed facebook prophet which seems to have an issue requiring to install dev-tools, the bootstrap.sh simply runs


#!/bin/bash -xe
sudo yum install python3-devel python3-libs python3-tools
#sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
aws s3 cp s3://bucket/requirements.txt .
sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade -r ./requirements.txt

,output logs shows the below enter image description here

and errors logs shows

enter image description here

but then the cluster is stuck for 1 hour before failing


1 回答 1


我必须添加-y标志yum才能 pypass 任何用户提示

于 2021-09-06T11:30:44.717 回答